Feb 17, 2025  
2015 - 2016 Graduate Catalog 
2015 - 2016 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

A&S: Tuition



The College reserves the right to make changes in its charges for any and all programs at any time, after approval by the Board of Visitors. The tuition and fees for graduate students in Arts and Sciences who register for nine semester hours of credit or more per semester is $6,550.00 per semester for residents of Virginia and $14,700.00 per semester for non-residents. Any student registered for nine hours or more per semester for any course level (graduate or undergraduate courses) is considered to be a full-time student and will be charged these full-time rates unless qualified to be a Research Graduate Student (see below).

Tuition for part-time students, at the graduate level, is as follows:
$ 450.00 per semester hour for residents of Virginia
$ 1,160.00 per semester hour for non-residents

Degree-seeking graduate students will be charged the part-time rates for part-time work (eight hours or less per semester) based on their established domiciliary status. Refer to the eligibility for in-state status page  for a statement regarding in-state, out-of-state classification for tuition. Full-time non-resident degree-seeking graduate students who hold qualifying assistantships may, on the recommendation of the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research and approval of the Provost’s Office, pay tuition at the resident rates. Rates for students who enroll in Summer Session will be charged on the same basis. Full-time enrollment in the summer is defined as a total of three hours or more in one summer session or in any combination of summer sessions, and half-time enrollment is defined as two hours.

Part-time students who are not enrolled as degree-seeking students at the College of William and Mary (non-degree seeking post-baccalaureate students), must complete the “Application to Determine Physical Residency and In-State Tuition Eligibility (pdf)” to determine eligibility for in-state tuition. Students determined to be domiciled outside of Virginia will pay out-of-state rates. Those determined to be residents will pay according to the in-state rates.

Charges for part-time students to audit courses are the same as courses taken for credit.


Research Graduate Students

Upon the recommendation of a student’s department/program and approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, a student’s eligibility for Research Graduate status can be established if the following conditions are met:

  • The student has successfully completed all course work, excluding the required semester credit hours of 700, Thesis, or 800, Dissertation, necessary to satisfy the requirements for their degree and their degree program, while sustaining a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

  • The student is not employed significantly in any activity other than research and writing in fulfillment of degree requirements.

  • The student is present on the campus or is engaged in approved field work.

While classified as a Research Graduate, a student should register for 12 credit hours per semester or 6 credit hours in the summer of either the Directed Studies, Thesis, or Dissertation course for which payment of the part time rate of one credit hour is required.  Research Graduate students may take courses other than Directed Studies, Thesis, or Dissertation, but only if payment for additional tuition has been made.  However, if a student takes any additional courses while classified as a Research Graduate, the additional courses taken while classified as a Research Graduate cannot be used to fulfill degree requirements.

A Research Graduate student is not eligible for services that are paid for by fees (e.g., student health, and recreational center) unless the fee is paid.

Continuous Enrollment

This policy allows students to maintain active status with the College and to access College resources, including the libraries, email, laboratories, the Counseling Center, and the Recreation Center, upon payment of the appropriate fees. The services of the Student Health Center are not available to part-time students and students with Continuous Enrollment Status. Additionally, this policy is designed to enhance faculty mentoring and encourage student degree completion within the time limitations specified by the graduate programs. The continuous enrollment policy does not apply to students who have been officially granted a planned leave of absence or a medical withdrawal.

All full-time and part-time degree-seeking graduate students must maintain continuous enrollment during all fall and spring semesters. With prior approval from the department/program, students in good standing can remain active in their degree program with Continuous Enrollment Status by requesting to be enrolled in GRAD 999 only and by paying the ‘Continuous Enrollment’ fee. The Fall/Spring 2015/2016 Continuous Enrollment fee is $100 per semester. Students must consult their department/program’s specific guidelines regarding eligibility for Continuous Enrollment Status. If the deadline for degree completion has passed, registration for continuous enrollment is not sufficient to maintain good standing; the student must also request an extension (see section on Time Limits for Degrees and Extensions ).

The following students are not eligible for Continuous Enrollment Status and should register as a regularly enrolled full-time degree-seeking student or as a full-time Research Graduate Student if the eligibility requirements for Research Graduate status are met: (1) students employed in a graduate student appointment (e.g., Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant, Teaching Fellow), (2) international students requiring visas, (3) students who need to be full-time for the purpose of deferring repayment of student loans, (4) students who wish to be eligible for the College’s Student Health Insurance Plan (mandatory for full-time students) and be eligible for use of the Student Health Center upon payment of the appropriate fees, and (5) students who wish to be eligible for hourly employment at the college or for financial aid requiring full-time status.

Unless granted an approved leave of absence or medical withdrawal, a graduate student who fails to register each semester has discontinued enrollment in the graduate degree program. If the student wishes to resume progress toward the degree, it will be necessary to reapply for admission to the College and to the degree program and meet any changed or additional degree requirements established in the interim. In addition, the student will owe Continuous Enrollment fees for the term(s) he/she was not enrolled.