McGlennon (Chair), Blouet (Huby Professor of Geography and International Education), Cheng (Class of 1935 Professor of Government), Clemens (Chancellor Professor of Government), Dessler, Evans (Newton Family Professor of Government), Gilmour, Hanson (Lettie Pate Evans Professor of Government), Howard (Pamela C. Harriman Professor of Government and Public Policy), Manna (Paul R. Verkiul Professor of Public Policy), Peterson (Wendy and Emery Reves Professor of Government and International Relations), Rapoport (John Marshall Professor of Government), Schwartz and Tierney (George C. and Mary C. Hylton Professor of International Relations)
Associate Professors
Mullen, Nemacheck, Oakes (University Associate Professor of Teaching Excellence), Pickering, Stow and van der Veen
Assistant Professors
Holmes, Kaplow, Lombardini, Maliniak, Roessler, Settle, and Shushan
Visiting Assistant Professors
Carroll, Hart and Rahman
Visiting Instructors
Doherty, Poliquin, Sasser, and Sterling
Visiting Adjunct Professors
Henderson and Wilkerson