Fauvel (Chair)
Cate-Arries (Associate Chair of Faculty Affairs), Longo (on leave Fall 2016), Root (on leave Fall 2016), Sheehi (Sultan Qaboos bin Said Professor of Middle East Studies), Stock (Scholar in Residence at Swem Library, 2016-2019), and Tang (Chancellor Professor)
Associate Professors
Arries, Buck (on leave Spring 2017), Campbell (CLA Fellow), Cherkaoui, Compan, Cronin, Eisele, Ferrarese, Hill (on leave 2016-2017), Kulick(on leave 2016-2017), M. Leruth (on leave Spring 2017), Leventhal (on leave 2016-2017), Pacini, Prokhorov (Associate Chair of Educational Policy), Prokhorova, Riofrio (on leave Fall 2017), Sasaki, Tandeciarz (CLA Fellow), and Taylor
Assistant Professors
Hui, Rabalais, Seger, and Terukina
Visiting Assistant Professors
Baker, Gully, Hugonny, Jeltsch (on leave Fall 2016), Lu, Melo-Vega, Mulcahy, Slodounik, Sanchis-Sinisterra, Vozel, and Zaki
Senior Lecturers
Ginzbursky-Blum, Kato, Kitamura, A. Leruth and Su
Carrion and Mattavelli
Visiting Instructors
Lontor and Lu