Sep 27, 2024  
2017 - 2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017 - 2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Hispanic Studies

  • HISP 203 - Combined Intermediate Spanish

    Fall and Spring (4) Staff Prerequisite(s):  HISP 102  or HISP 103 , or up to 3 years of high school Spanish. 

    This accelerated course continues the focus in HISP 103  on the study of Hispanic cultures and the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing in Spanish. Students who complete this course fulfill the College’s Foreign Language Proficiency Requirement. Spanish 203 is the equivalent of Spanish 201 and 202 and therefore will not count as one of the three courses above the level of 202 required for a major in International Relations. For additional placement information, please see the Modern Languages and Literatures website.
  • HISP 206 - Upper-lntermediate Conversation

    Fall or Spring (3) Staff Prerequisite(s): HISP 202  or equivalent, placement by SAT II Test score or consent of instructor (ALV)

    A course beyond the College’s foreign language requirement proficiency level. Stresses the cultural and linguistic notions of oral discourse in developing communicative ability in the language. Practice in simulated foreign cultural contexts through discussion and student presentation on themes in contemporary Hispanic life.
  • HISP 207 - Cross-Cultural Perspectives: The U.S. and the Spanish speaking World

    Fall and Spring (3) Staff Prerequisite(s): HISP 202  or equivalent (ALV, GER 4C)

    An introduction to the Hispanic cultures of Latin America, Spain and the United States that stresses oral and written discourse and grammatical and cultural competence. Practice in the writing of analytical essays on cultural themes.
  • HISP 208 - Fundamentals of Literary Criticism

    Fall and Spring (3) Staff Prerequisite(s): HISP 202  or equivalent (ALV, GER 5)

    An examination of selections of Hispanic literature to develop an understanding of methods of evaluating literary works.
  • HISP 280 - Introduction to Hispanic Studies

    Fall or Spring (3) Staff (College 200, ALV, GER 5)

    This course provides an overview of the field of Hispanic Studies through an examination of film, literature, visual arts and other forms of cultural production. Lectures in English. Discussion sections in English. (This course is anchored in the ALV domain, and also considers aspects of the CSI domain.)
  • HISP 281 - Introduction to Hispanic Studies

    Fall and Spring (3) Staff Prerequisite(s): HISP 207   or HISP 208   (College 200, ALV, GER 5)

    This course provides an overview of the field of Hispanic Studies through an examination of film, literature, visual arts and other forms of cultural production. Lectures in English or Spanish. Discussion sections in Spanish. (This course is anchored in the ALV domain, and also considers aspects of the CSI domain.)
  • HISP 287 - Introduction to Spanish Phonetics

    Fall or Spring (3) Arries, Staff Prerequisite(s): HISP 207  or more advanced HISP course. (ALV, CSI)

    An introduction to the Spanish sound system.  Students learn phonetic transcription, analyze and improve their accent, study  regional variants of Spanish, and learn poetry for performance.  Fulfills a requirement for Spanish teacher certification and the TESL/TEFL minor.  Not available to students who have studied Spanish phonetics abroad.
  • HISP 290 - Sophomore Seminar: Topics in Hispanic Studies

    Fall and Spring (3) Staff Prerequisite(s): HISP 281 

    In this reading and writing intensive course in Spanish, sophomores examine a topic of key significance for the Spanish-speaking world. Emphasis on developing critical, linguistic, and cultural competencies necessary for advanced work in Hispanic literary and cultural studies. Strongly recommended for HISP majors. Restricted to sophomores.
  • HISP 300 - Studies in Global Education Programs

    Summer, Spring, Fall (1-4) Staff Prerequisite(s): HISP 202  or approval of Selection Committee

    Hispanic studies in the William & Mary global education programs. Course may be repeated for credit if the topic changes
  • HISP 303 - Latin American Literature of the Colonial Period

    (3) Staff Prerequisite(s): HISP 151 , HISP 208  or HISP 281 

    Survey of Latin American literature from its beginnings to the end of the colonial period. Transfer or study abroad credit only.
  • HISP 305 - Advanced Composition and Grammar

    Fall and Spring (3) Staff Prerequisite(s): HISP 207  or placement by Advanced Placement score or 5 years of high school Spanish (ALV)

    Intensive practice of registers and styles of Spanish prose composition with a review of grammar and syntax.
  • HISP 306 - Advanced Conversation

    (3) Staff

    Intensive oral-aural training with special attention to the Hispanic cultural context. Advanced training in the spoken language that builds upon skills acquired in HISP 207 .
  • HISP 307 - Spanish for Specific Purposes

    Fall or Spring (1-4) Staff. Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor.

    Development of speaking skills in a specific field: medicine, education, law, community interpretation. Acquisition of vocabulary, cross-cultural communication, ethics of interpretation. Assessment based on recorded performance, tests & essays. Taught on campus; requires
    site visits off campus, possible internship. Course may be repeated if topic varies.
  • HISP 308 - Cultural History of Spain

    (3) Staff Prerequisite(s):  HISP 207 , HISP 208  or HISP 281 

    A survey of artistic and literary trends as they relate to the history of Spain.
  • HISP 320 - Topics in Hispanic Cinema

    Fall or Spring (3) Staff Prerequisite(s): HISP 280  or HISP 281 

    In this introduction to Hispanic cinema, students learn the basics of film language and methodology through the study of film in national and/or transnational context. Readings on film theory, criticism, and cultural history inform case studies drawn from Spanish, Latin American, and/or U.S. Latino traditions. May be repeated for credit if topic varies
  • HISP 321 - Cultural Studies Criticism Through Poetry and Photography

    Fall or Spring (3) Tandeciarz, Staff Prerequisite(s): HISP 280  or HISP 281 

    An introduction to cultural studies critical methodologies through the study of poetry and photography. Course materials include photographic essays and poetry addressing issues central to Latin American, Spanish, and U.S. Latino production, and a number of short fictions and theoretical readings that examine the relationship between visual and narrative culture.
  • HISP 322 - Issues in Mexican Culture

    Spring (3) Longo, Staff (ALV)

    This course analyzes border issues, local/global markets and national/ regional identities. It focuses on the negotiation of power in relation to these themes. Students analyze texts by authors whose works address Mexican culture from the colonial period to the present although contemporary culture is emphasized.
  • HISP 323 - Issues in Mexican Culture: On-Site Research

    Summer (1-3) Staff Prerequisite(s): HISP 280  or HISP 281 

    Students construct a research project on Mexican culture as part of the W&M summer study program in Mexico. Satisfies the Hispanic Studies practicum.
  • HISP 324 - Medieval and Early Modern Hispanic Literature

    Fall or Spring (3) Staff Prerequisite(s): HISP 280  or HISP 281   (ALV)

    Interdisciplinary introduction to foundational Hispanic texts (Middle Ages to 1500), focusing on representations of epic heroism and chivalric adventure, witchcraft and misogyny, the wisdom literature of Jewish and Muslim societies, and the functions of religion.
  • HISP 325 - Topics in Hispanic Cultural Studies

    Fall or Spring (3) Staff Prerequisite(s): HISP 280  or HISP 281 

    Prepares students for HISP courses numbered 360 and above. Focus on close reading of a variety of texts (literary, visual, etc.) about a specific theme, critical analysis of scholarship, and the use of cultural studies theory in formal oral presentations and academic writing.
  • HISP 330 - Creative Writing in Spanish: Poetry Workshop

    Spring (3) Tandeciarz, Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered 300 or above or consent of instructor.


      (ACTV, GER 6)

    In this poetry writing workshop taught in Spanish, students gain exposure to a variety of poetic traditions while developing their creative writing abilities
    through experimentation and critique.

  • HISP 360 - Cultural Constructions of the Environment in Latin America

    Spring (3) Staff Prerequisite(s): HISP 280  or HISP 281  

    Turning to legends, photography, film and fiction, this course explores how Latin American authors, filmmakers and artists imagine the environment and intervene on its behalf. Topics examined include the interrelationship between nature writing and spirituality; the transformation of external landscapes into psychological terrain (the Amazon, the Andes, the desert of Atacama); the representation of bureaucracy and other consequences of development; material consumption and the removal of nature. Select regions within Latin America and the United States will be highlighted in order to focus the discussion on specific literary and ecological issues.
  • HISP 361 - Life on the Hyphen

    Fall or Spring (3) Tandeciarz, Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    In an era of increasing globalization, the “border” experience is becoming more and more widespread. Migration, exile, and the relocation of cultural groups for economic or political reasons are common occurrences that have led to the creation of what some critics have called “border cultures.” This course examines the cultural production generated by different kinds of border crossings. In addition to national borders, it engages the role of linguistic, ethnic, sexual, cultural, and economic borders in the creation of Latin American, Latino, and American identities.
  • HISP 374 - Imagining the Spanish Transatlantic Empire: Early Modern Hispanic Culture (1492-1700)

    Fall or Spring (3) Terukina, Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor (ALV)

    An introduction to the Spanish empire as “imagined” in the early modern period. We examine cultural artifacts (novels, theatrical representations, chronicles, etc.), the ideological foundations upon which the Spanish empire legitimizes itself, and investigate the subordinating representation of women, Muslims/moriscos, indigenous peoples, and their dissent and resistance.
  • HISP 376 - W&M in Spain: Preparing the Research Project

    Spring (1) Cate-Arries, Buck Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    1-credit requirement designed for students who have been accepted into W&M’s summer program based in the seaside city of Cadiz. Provides historical and cultural background of program site. Introduces social and political issues of today’s Spain. Students will develop working proposal for the research project they will conduct on-site. Prerequisite for HIST 386 .
  • HISP 380 - Cultural Transformation in Cuba and Puerto Rico

    Fall or Spring (3) Stock, Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    The course examines the relationship between expressive culture (literature, film, popular music) and the formation of cultural identity in two contexts: Cuba and Puerto Rico. (Cross-listed with LAS 380 )
  • HISP 383 - Issues in Visual Culture

    Spring (3) Stock, Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    Hispanic visual culture located itself on a series of borders where national cultures meet, forms (film, photography, painting, advertising) are fused, and images engage with their creation and exhibition contexts. Emphasis on representation, interpretation and identity construction.
  • HISP 384 - Landscapes of Spain: Real Places, Imagined Spaces

    Spring (3) Buck, Cate-Arries, Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor (GER5)

    This survey course explores how Spanish writers and artists from the 18th century to the present inscribe place (literary landscapes, imagined spaces, geographical locations) according to changing concepts of Spanish history, cultural identity, and modes of representation.
  • HISP 385 - Modern Spanish Culture: The Politics of Identity

    Fall (3) Buck, Cate-Arries, Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor (ALV)

    This course explores how the sites of Spanish culture (monuments, canonical works of art, literature, music, political/cultural heroes, iconic historical events) tell the story of Spanish history, encode national myths, or may be subverted to express marginalized/alternative forms of identity.
  • HISP 386 - Issues in Spanish Culture: On-Site Research

    Summer (1-3)

    Students conduct a research project on Spanish culture as part of the W&M summer program in Cádiz or semester program in Sevilla; or as part of a W&M faculty-mentored fieldwork activity in other Spanish locales. Taught in Spanish.
  • HISP 387 - Topics in Linguistic Research

    Fall or Spring (3) Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    An in-depth study of selected topics in linguistic research in Hispanic Studies, with explicit attention to expressive culture, to explore national, regional or other identities. Sample topics: dialectology, discourse analysis, ethnography of communication, pragmatics, sociolinguistics. Fulfills a requirement for teacher certification and the TEFL/TESL minor.
  • HISP 388 - The Art of Spanish Text Translation

    Spring (3) Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor (ALV)

    A study of translation methods and theory applied to literary, technical and commercial texts. Students will engage in class discussions, group problem-solving exercises, independent work and design a portfolio as major course components.
  • HISP 389 - Topics in Hispanic Studies in English

    Fall and Spring (1-3) Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    An examination of issues within an interdisciplinary context. Topics and texts relevant to Spanish, Latin American and/or U.S. Latino context/s. Taught in English. May be repeated for credit if topic varies
  • HISP 390 - Topics in Hispanic Studies

    Fall and Spring (1-4) Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    An examination of issues within an interdisciplinary context. Topics and texts relevant to Spanish, Latin American and/or U.S. Latino contexts. May be repeated for credit if topic varies
  • HISP 391 - Masterworks: Issues in Canon Formation

    Fall and Spring (3) Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor (ALV)

    This course addresses the works of canonical writers (may include, e.g. Cervantes, Galdos, Borges, Garcia Marquez, etc.). The theoretical perspectives presented are driven by the interdisciplinary concerns that reflect current scholarship in Hispanic Studies, including the role of cultural ‘masterpieces’ in the creation of community, the role of the market in canon formation (what sells? where? why?), and the relationship between social movements, literacy, and canonical literature. May be repeated for credit if topic varies
  • HISP 392 - Special Themes in Hispanic Studies

    Fall and Spring (1-4) Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    Themes in Hispanic cultural production. May be repeated for credit if theme changes
  • HISP 394 - Fashioning the Nation

    Fall or Spring (3) Root Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    Following the retreat of Spanish colonialism, material culture served to identify competing ideologies at a decisive moment of political change.  This course is about the nation building process, citizenship, and social constructs as understood through the evolution of Argentine fiction and artifacts.
  • HISP 399 - International Service-Learning Seminar & Internship

    Fall, Spring, Summer (1-4) Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    Service-learning course coordinated by Hispanic Studies sponsoring faculty and on-site internship supervisors for W&M Sponsored semester/summer programs in Spain and Argentina. May also be completed in other Spanish speaking countries when W&M faculty teach the course. Readings; journal writing; volunteer placements. May be repeated for credit if different site.
  • HISP 401 - Medieval Spanish Literature

    (3) Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    Spanish literature and cultural context from the 13th century and Cantar de mio Cid through Celestina. Study of representative works.
  • HISP 402 - Cervantes

    (3) Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    Analysis of Cervantes’ major works with particular emphasis on the Quijote and the Novelas ejemplares.
  • HISP 403 - Spanish Literature of the Golden Age

    (3) Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    Prose, poetry and drama of the 16th and 17th centuries from Garcilaso de la Vega to Calderon de la Barca. Study of representative works.
  • HISP 412 - Teaching Practicum

    Fall and Spring (1-2) Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    A mentored teaching internship experience for students to work closely with a faculty member in teaching either a language or content course. May be repeated up to a maximum of 4 credits.
  • HISP 413 - Contemporary Spanish Literature (1936-Present)

    (3) Buck, Cate-Arries Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    A study of the poetry, prose and drama of representative post-Civil War writers.
  • HISP 417 - Hispanic Cinema

    (3) Stock Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    A study of the cultural and political developments in 20th- Century Latin America through the medium of film. The course will address film’s relation to literature, art, history and politics.
  • HISP 478 - Pedagogy and Culture in Latin America

    Fall or Spring (3) Root Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    This course examines Spanish American texts that reflect on and unmask the privileged discourse of the lettered city.  Grounded in cultural theory, literature and the arts, learners will uncover the politics of education and everyday life in framing early human rights concerns, the status of women, citizenship and transformative social change.  
  • HISP 480 - Cultures of Dictatorship

    Fall (3) Tandeciarz, Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor (ALV)

    This course addresses the impact on cultural production of recent dictatorial regimes in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. Includes study of literature, film and testimonio, historical documents and art.
  • HISP 481 - Local and Global Issues in 20th Century Poetry

    Fall (3) Longo, Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor (ALV)

    An analysis of the ways in which Latin American and U. S. Latino poetry inform our understanding of the 20th century. Emphasis on the relationship between local production and global consumption of culture, especially poetry.
  • HISP 482 - Love and Prostitution in Medieval Spain

    Fall (3) Greenia, Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    The two most dangerous inventions of the Middle Ages are said to have been romantic love and gunpowder. This course explores women as objects of love, facilitators of frontier conquest, faithful wives and sometimes wayward women.
  • HISP 483 - Issues in Farmworker Culture

    Spring (3) Arries Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    Students apply theory to the analysis of literature, film, and photography about migrant farmworkers and farmworker movements. A field trip to the Eastern Shore is required; enrollment in HISP 392  Medical Interpretation (1 credit) to prepare for a summer externship is optional.
  • HISP 484 - Gender Issues in Hispanic Culture

    Fall or Spring (3) Buck, Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor (ALV)

    This course examines the construction and representation of femininity, masculinity, and alternative sexualities in Hispanic cultural production. Texts include film, novels, poetry, and visual arts.
  • HISP 485 - Post-Franco Literature and Culture

    Fall or Spring (3) Buck, Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    This course examines cultural change in Spain in the 30+ years since the death of Francisco Franco. Issues include construction and representation of national and regional identity, gender, and cultural movements in film, journalism, museums, novels, poetry and visual arts. The course content includes writing by Marias, Gaite, Diaz Mas and Munoz Molina.
  • HISP 486 - Spanish Language Epic and Nationalism

    Spring (3) Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    The emergence of the Spanish language in the Cantar de mio Cid, the need for an epic past and epic heroes, and their contributions to Spanish and Hispanic identity.
  • HISP 487 - Imagine Another World: Spanish Art and Society

    Spring (3) Cate-Arries Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    A study of the early 20th-century Spanish artistic and political scene, explosive years of radical experimentation and innovation in all cultural media, as well as massive socio-political upheaval (i.e. the rise of socialist and anarchist political parties; establishment of ill-fated democratic republic). Texts include Lorca’s poetry, Buñuel’s early films; the art of Dalí and Remedios Varo.
  • HISP 489 - Seminar in Hispanic Studies

    Fall and Spring (3) Staff Prerequisite(s): One HISP course numbered between 290 and 360, or consent of instructor

    Issues-based, interdisciplinary seminars on topics relevant to Latin American, Spanish, and/or U.S. Latino culture. Course content will vary. May be repeated for credit if topic varies
  • HISP 492 - Independent Study

    Fall and Spring (3) Staff Prerequisite(s): Another 400-level HISP course or equivalent

    A tutorial designed primarily for majors who wish to pursue an independent study of issues in Hispanic Studies. Programs of study will be arranged individually with a faculty member. May be repeated for credit if topic varies
  • HISP 493 - Research in Hispanic Studies

    Fall and Spring (3) Prerequisite(s): Major in Hispanic Studies and completion of the HISP practicum

    This capstone course guides students in synthesizing their Hispanic Studies course work and field experiences. Open to senior majors, juniors by consent of instructor. Satisfies major writing requirement.
  • HISP 495 - Senior Honors Thesis

    Fall, Spring (3) Staff

    Note: For College provisions governing the Admission to Honors, see the Charles Center website.
  • HISP 496 - Senior Honors Thesis

    Fall, Spring (3) Staff

    Note: For College provisions governing the Admission to Honors, see the Charles Center website.
  • HISP 498 - Internship

    Fall, Spring (1-4) Staff

    Research Internship course coordinated by Hispanic Studies sponsoring faculty and on-site internship supervisor. Partnerships with select institutions, organizations and archives in the United States and abroad offer students intensive research opportunities mentored by William and Mary faculty. Readings; research; dissemination.


  • HIST 100 - Critical Questions in History

    Fall and Spring (4) Staff (College 100)

    An exploration of significant questions and concepts, beliefs and creative visions, theories and discoveries in History for first-year students. Although topics vary, the courses also seek to improve students’ communication skills beyond the written word.
  • HIST 111 - History of Europe to 1715

    Fall (3) Staff (CSI, GER 4A)

    An introduction to Western civilization with emphasis on European political, economic, social and cultural developments and their influence in shaping our contemporary world. Students will be encouraged to examine fundamental trends and the uses of the historical method.
  • HIST 112 - History of Europe since 1715

    Spring (3) Staff (CSI, GER 4A)

    An introduction to Western civilization with emphasis on European political, economic, social and cultural developments and their influence in shaping our contemporary world. Students will be encouraged to examine fundamental trends and the uses of the historical method.
  • HIST 121 - American History to 1877

    Fall (3) Staff (CSI, GER 4A)

    An introduction to the history of the United States from its origins to 1877. Topics include the development of the American colonies and their institutions, the Revolution, the creation of the federal union, the people of America, the Civil War and Reconstruction.
  • HIST 122 - American History since 1877

    Spring (3) Staff (CSI, GER 4A)

    An introduction to the history of the United States from 1877 to the present. Topics include major political, social and economic developments since 1877, overseas expansion, the two world wars, the Cold War and the post-Cold War era.
  • HIST 131 - Survey of Latin American History to 1824

    Fall (3) Konefal, Prado (CSI, GER 4B)

    The development of Latin America from Pre-Columbian times to 1824 with emphasis on the interaction of European, Indian and African elements in colonial society. (Cross listed with LAS 131 )
  • HIST 132 - Survey of Latin American History since 1824

    Spring (3) Konefal, Prado (College 200, CSI, GER 4B)

    The development of Latin America from 1824 to the present, emphasizing the struggle for social justice, political stability and economic development. (This course is anchored in the CSI domain, and also considers aspects of the ALV domain.) (Cross listed with LAS 132 )
  • HIST 141 - Survey of East Asian Civilization to 1600

    Fall (3) Han, Hubbard (CSI, GER 4B)

    An introduction to the political, social and cultural history of East Asia to 1600.
  • HIST 142 - Survey of East Asian Civilization since 1600

    Spring (3) Han, Hubbard (CSI, GER 4B)

    An introduction to the political, social and cultural history of East Asia since 1600.
  • HIST 150 - First Year Seminar

    Fall and Spring (4) Staff (College 150)

    An exploration of a specific topic in History. A grade of C- or better fulfills the COLL 150 requirement. Although topics vary, the courses emphasize academic writing skills, reading and analysis of texts, and discussion. Note: For current offerings, please consult the course schedule posted on
  • HIST 161 - History of South Asia

    Fall and Spring (3) Zutshi, Staff (CSI, GER 4B)

    Drawing on the latest multidisciplinary scholarship and visual materials on South Asia, this course examines the ancient, medieval, and modern history of the Indian Subcontinent. Themes include concepts of sovereignty, colonialism, nationalism, partition, religious identities, economic developments, and center-region disputes.
  • HIST 171 - History of the Middle East to 1400

    Fall (3) Karakaya-Stump (CSI, GER 4B)

    A history of the Middle East from the advent of Islam in the 7th century to 1400. The focus will be on political, socio-economic and cultural developments, and their interconnectedness.
  • HIST 172 - Modern Middle East since 1400

    Spring (3) Karakaya-Stump (CSI, GER 4B)

    A historical review of the modern Middle East since 1400 that emphasizes the Early Modern Middle Eastern empires (the Ottomans and the Safavids), the long nineteenth century, and the major political and socio-economic developments in the region since WWI.
  • HIST 181 - African History to 1800

    Fall (3) Chouin, Pope, Staff (CSI, GER 4B)

    A thematic approach to socio-economic and political change in Africa from early times to 1800. Emphasis is on African cultural heritage, state building, internal and external trade, and interaction with outside forces: Islam, Christianity and colonialism, as well as on Africa’s most pressing problems of the time. (Cross listed with AFST 316 )
  • HIST 191 - Global History to 1500

    Fall (3) Staff (CSI, GER 4B)

    An introduction to the history of the world, with emphasis on civilizations, cultural diversity, global conflict and global convergence.
  • HIST 192 - Global History since 1500

    Fall (3) Daileader, Schechter, Staff (College 200, CSI, GER 4C)

    An introduction to the history of the world, with emphasis on civilizations, cultural diversity, global conflict and global convergence. (This course is anchored in the CSI domain, and also considers aspects of the ALV domain.)
  • HIST 211 - Topics in History

    Fall (3) Staff

    A course designed especially for freshmen and sophomores who have taken AP European or AP American history in high school. Topics vary by semester. Note: For current offerings, please consult the course schedule posted on (These courses may be repeated for credit if there is no duplication of topic.)
  • HIST 212 - Topics in History

    Spring (3) Staff

    A course designed especially for freshmen and sophomores who have taken AP European or AP American history in high school. Topics vary by semester. Note: For current offerings, please consult the course schedule posted on (These courses may be repeated for credit if there is no duplication of topic.)
  • HIST 214 - The Era of Jamestown

    Fall or Spring (3) Whittenburg

    The seventeenth century in the Chesapeake Region. Topics include the archaeology of Jamestown Island, tobacco culture, warfare between Europeans and Native Americans, the introduction of slavery, political & social structure, and family life. This course relies heavily on field trips to archaeology sites, museums, and period structures. This course is sponsored by NIAHD.
  • HIST 215 - The World of Thomas Jefferson

    Fall or Spring (3) Wells

    An examination of the life and times of Thomas Jefferson. Topics include the world of Jefferson’s youth and the momentous issues that crystallized during the latter decades of the eighteenth century.
  • HIST 216 - Teaching American History with Historic Sites

    Fall and Spring (4) Whittenburg

    Explorations of topics from American History by using historic sites: Example: The history of Richmond, VA from the Revolution through the modern Civil Rights Movement.  Classes meet ALL DAY at historic sites and museums. This course satisfies the Major Computing Requirement. Please contact instructor for details and permission to enroll.
  • HIST 217 - The Founding of Jamestown through the American Revolution

    Fall or Spring (4) Corlett, Whittenburg

    Early American History concentrating on the period from the founding of Jamestown in 1607 through the death of George Washington in 1799. Classes meet all day on Wednesdays “on-site” at archaeological excavations, museums, or historic buildings. This course satisfies the Major Computing Requirement. Please contact instructor for more details. This course is sponsored by NIAHD.
  • HIST 218 - The American Revolution through the Civil War

    Fall or Spring (4) Corlett, Whittenburg

    American History through the lens of the Virginia experience from the American Revolution through the American Civil War. Classes meet ALL DAY at historic sites and museums. This course satisfies the Major Computing Requirement. Please contact instructor for details and permission to enroll. This course is sponsored by NIAHD.
  • HIST 219 - Era of the American Revolution in Virginia

    Fall or Spring (4) Whittenburg

    A close examination of the people, places, and events of the general era of the American Revolution in Virginia from the Seven Years War in the middle of the eighteenth century to the Age of Jackson in the nineteenth century.  Classes meet ALL DAY at historic sites and museums. This course satisfies the Major Computing Requirement. Please contact instructor for details and permission to enroll. This course is sponsored by NIAHD.
  • HIST 220 - Williamsburg: Colonial and Revolutionary

    Fall or Spring (3) Whittenburg, Richter (CSI)

    Early American history through the lens of the Williamsburg experience. Topics: politics, social structure, gender, religion, race and the economy from the establishment of Jamestown in 1607, to the Middle Plantation settlement of the mid-1600s, the transfer of the capital from Jamestown to Williamsburg, and the impact of the American Revolution on this city.  This course is sponsored by NIAHD.
  • HIST 221 - United States Women’s History, 1600 to 1877

    Fall (3) Meyer (CSI, GER 4A)

    This course is designed to introduce students to some of the main themes and issues of the field as it has developed in the past two decades. Primary themes in this course include: work, sexual/gender norms and values, women’s networks and politics, and how each of these has changed over time and differed for women from diverse cultures/communities. (Cross listed with GSWS 221 )
  • HIST 222 - United States Women’s History since 1877

    Fall and Spring (3) Meyer (CSI, GER 4A)

    This course is designed to introduce students to some of the main themes and issues of the field as it has developed in the past two decades. Primary themes in this course include: work, sexual/gender norms and values, women’s networks and politics, and how each of these has changed over time and differed for women from diverse cultures/communities. The course divides at 1879. (Cross listed with GSWS 222 )
  • HIST 223 - Pacific War

    Fall or Spring (3) C. Brown (CSI, GER 4C)

    This course examines the violent contact between Japan and the United States in the Pacific during World War II, with a comparative focus on conceptions of race, honor and national identity. The course employs primary and secondary sources, as well as films. This course satisfies the department’s computing requirement.
  • HIST 224 - Southern Cultures: Field Holler to NASCAR

    Fall or Spring (3) Staff (College 200, CSI, GER 4A)

    This class will explore one of the most repressive regions in the US: the Southern worlds of plantation, slave quarter, and hillbilly-hideout. How did blues and country music emerge? How did the literature of Faulkner, Ralph Ellison, and Carson McCullers grow out of the South? How did stock car racing grow out of moon shining? (This course is anchored in the CSI domain, and also considers aspects of the ALV domain.)
  • HIST 226 - The American West since 1890

    Fall or Spring (3) Fisher (College 200, CSI, GER 4A)

    The Trans-Mississippi West after the “closing of the frontier.” Topics include environmental change, economics, urbanization, race, class, gender, regional identity, and popular culture. (This course is anchored in the CSI domain, and also considers aspects of the ALV and NQR domains.)
  • HIST 228 - The United States, 1945-1975: Society, Thought, and Culture

    Fall or Spring (3) McGovern (CSI)

    An exploration of the principal forces shaping the contours of American culture, society and thought in the pivotal first three decades after World War II.
  • HIST 235 - African American History to Emancipation

    Fall (3) Ely, Rosen (College200, CSI, GER 4A)

    This course explores the history of African-descended people in the U.S. from their first arrival in the North American colonies through the end of slavery during the Civil War.  We will investigate the ways African Americans fashioned new worlds and cultures while living under the enormous constraints of slavery and discrimination.  Struggles for freedom, full citizenship, and alternative political visions, and the role of such struggles in shaping African Americans’ identification with each other as a people, will be a focus throughout.  We will also treat differences of class and gender within African American communities.  (This course is anchored in the CSI domain, and also considers aspects of the ALV domain.) (Cross listed with AFST 235 )
  • HIST 236 - African American History since Emancipation

    Spring (3) Ely, Rosen (CSI, GER 4A)

    A survey of African American history from emancipation to the present. (Cross listed with AFST 236 )
  • HIST 237 - American Indian History: Pre-Columbian and colonial period to 1763.

    Fall and Spring (3) Fisher, (CSI, GER 4B)

    A survey of American Indian history to 1763.
  • HIST 238 - American Indian History since 1763

    Fall and Spring (3) Fisher, (College 200, CSI, GER 4B)

    This course surveys the significant events, issues, and themes in the “New Indian History” from the late colonial period to the present day.  Through the assigned readings, lectures, discussions, films, and music, students will gain a better understanding of the enormous diversity of Native cultures and histories, as well as the shared experiences that have shaped them over time.  (This course is anchored in the CSI domain, and also considers aspects of the ALV domain.) 
  • HIST 240 - The Crusades

    Fall (3) Daileader (CSI, GER 4C)

    The history of the crusading movement during the Middle Ages. The course focuses on the changing nature of Christian- Muslim relations and on the Crusades’ cultural and geopolitical ramifications. Readings consist primarily of contemporary Latin, Greek, and Arabic sources (in translation).
  • HIST 241 - European History, 1815-1914

    Fall (3) Benes, Staff (CSI, GER 4A)

    From the Congress of Vienna to the start of World War I. Investigates the industrial revolution, liberalism, socialism, imperialism and the various contexts of World War I.
  • HIST 242 - European History, 1914-1945

    Spring (3) Benes, Staff (CSI, GER 4A)

    This course investigates World War I, German inflation and worldwide depression, fascism, the trajectory of World War II and the collapse of the old order in 1945. Attention also given to the culture of modernism.
  • HIST 243 - Europe since 1945

    Fall and Spring (3) Koloski, Staff (CSI, GER 4A)

    Topical survey of Europe east and west since World War II. Includes postwar recovery, geopolitical tensions and the Cold War, imperialism, protest movements of the 1960s and 1970s, communism and its collapse, a united Europe in theory and practice.
  • HIST 255 - Religion in America to 1800

    Fall (3) Grasso

    This course provides an overview of major issues and developments in American religious history from pre-Columbian North America through the end of the eighteenth century.  Topics include: Native American Sacred Power; Catholic Missions in New Spain and New France; Protestant Colonialism; Magic and Christian Authority; Slavery and the African Diaspora; British Religious Cultures; Evangelical Revivalism; Christian Anti- and Proslavery; Religion and Revolution; and Church-State Separation.
  • HIST 260 - History of Ancient Greece

    Fall (3) Donahue (College 200, CSI, GER 4A)

    The history of Greece from the Bronze Age (3d millennium BCE) to the rise of Macedonia (fourth century BCE), focusing primarily on the two most influential and well known periods in Greek history, the Archaic Period (ca. 700-480 BC) and the Classical Period (480-323 BCE).  (This course is anchored in the CSI domain, and also considers aspects of the ALV domain.) (Cross listed with CLCV 227 )

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