Niles (Dean), Blouet (Fred Huby Professor of Geography and International Education), Bracken, Cross (Jody and Layton Smith Professor of Psychology and Education), DiPaola, Eddy, Foster, Gareis, Gressard (Chancellor Professor), Harris (Robert D. & Patricia Lee Pavey Chair in Educational Technology), Hofer, D. Johnson (University Professor for Teaching Excellence), Kim, Korinek (University Professor for Teaching Excellence), Mason, McAdams, McEachron, McLaughlin (Chancellor Professor), Stoddard, Stronge (Heritage Professor), Tieso, Tschannen-Moran, and T. Ward.
Associate Professors
Barber, Donnor (William & Martha Clairborne Stephens Term Distinguished Associate Professor), and Grant.
Assistant Professors
Barko-Alva, Blackmon, Chen, Cole, Conradi, Gutierrez, Haskins, Huber, M. Johnson, Kier, McGill, Mullen, Parker and Rodriquez.