Feb 17, 2025  
2018 - 2019 Graduate Catalog 
2018 - 2019 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Raymond A. Mason: Student Resources

Graduate Career Management Center

The Graduate Career Management Center (GCMC) provides career development and job search services to graduate business students, including full-time MBA, Master of Accounting, MS in Business Analytics, Online MBA, Flex MBA and Executive MBA programs. The GCMC offers a variety of services and resources, including:

  • Summer Start-up Program for residential students that includes an online self-assessment (CareerLeader), resume review, 1:1 coaching session with an advisor and access to Mason’s job search and recruiting platform-MASONlink
  • 1:1 coaching and advising services
  • Access to job search tools and resources including MASONlink, VMock, InterviewStream, MBA-Exchange, Careernomics and others
  • Professional development and job search workshops focusing on resumes/cover letters, interview preparation, networking, personal branding, social media and other career skills
  • Corporate Connect Information Sessions
  • On and off-campus networking events with alumni and hiring managers
  • Self-Assessments to identify interests, skills, motivations and career paths
  • Employment outcomes reports
  • National career fair preparation
  • Personalized job search support
  • Mock Interviews

Alan B. Miller Hall, Suite 1049

T: 757-221-7887
F: 757-221-2958

Phil Heavilin II, Executive Director, Graduate Career Management Center

Mike Ryan, Director, Corporate & Employer Relations
703-629-1546 (cell)

Patrice Lincoln, Director, Career Advising & Education

Kathryn Wight, Associate Director, Corporate Relations & Employer Development

Dennis Amrine, Associate Director, Career Advising & Education

Amy Moyer, Associate Director, Corporate Relations & Employer Development
804-815-3328 (cell)

Justin Wright, Associate Director, Career Advising & Education

Colleen Lynch, Assistant Director, Recruiting & Operations

Executive Partners

Executive Partners is a volunteer organization dedicated to enriching and expanding the educational experience of students enrolled in the Raymond A. Mason School of Business at William & Mary. Executive Partners add to the effectiveness of the programs designed by faculty and administration and support their efforts to prepare the next generation of business leaders. This network of experienced senior business executives, volunteer their time, expertise and contacts to the Raymond A. Mason School of Business and to all its constituencies. The School views the Executive Partners as a powerful resource that will enable its graduates to become the most skilled candidates possible for the challenges afforded by the business community.

Executive Partners is made up of about 140 volunteers with backgrounds in over 36 diverse industries, management in both large and small companies, and multiple functional skills. Over 40% have international expertise. Executive Partners provide career guidance, coaching, placement and networking support. The Executive Partners also mentor students in their career selection and advise them on the skills required in their chosen industry and functional areas.

Faculty members utilize Executive Partners in the classroom to share relevant experiences that augment and enhance the classroom-learning environment. In cases where special expertise is required, Executive Partners may be asked to teach a course. Executive Partners frequently judge competitions and critique students’ presentation skills.

Executive Partners are always seeking opportunities to respond to the interests and needs of students beyond their normal classroom experiences. The members offer panel sessions on topics that are of special interest to students and that complement curriculum offerings. The members also provide speaker support and program guidance to MBA Student Committees.

The Executive Partners Knowledge Management System (KMS) is an intranet site available for the exclusive use of Raymond A. Mason School of Business students, faculty, administrators and Executive Partners. KMS is a database that includes photos and profiles of Executive Partners. It provides both a directory and query system to help users find the Partner who can best help them. All students have access to this system using their William & Mary ID and password.

Instructions for students:

Go to: mason.wm.edu and select “intranet” at the bottom of the screen. Sign in using your William & Mary ID. Click on Executive Partners Intranet. You can click on “Directory” for an alphabetical listing of Executive Partners, or “Query System” if you want to search for an EP by industry, functional area or area of interest. If you are looking for contact information for a specific EP, go to “Directory.” Click on the name of the person you want to contact. This will bring up contact information for that EP. If you wish to contact the entire group, you must make your request to the Executive Director of the Executive Partners (terry.shannon@mason.wm.edu). Once approved, it will be forwarded to the entire group.

Allan B. Miller Hall, Suite 2013

Executive Partner Leadership Team:

Terry Shannon, Executive Director, Terry.Shannon@mason.wm.edu
Lee Clarkin,
MBA/EMBA/Flex & MAcc Faculty Coordination, Lee.clarkin@mason.wm.edu
Terry Shannon,
Leadership Development Coaching Director, Terry.Shannon@mason.wm.edu
Jay Smith,
Corporate Field Consultancy Coordination, Jay.Smith@mason.wm.edu
Louise Sharer,
Membership Director, Louise.Sharer@mason.wm.edu
Joe Mays,
Graduate Career Management Center Coordination, Joe.mays@mason.wm.edu
Andrew Lloyd-Williams,
Entrepreneurship, Andew.Lloyd-Williams@mason.wm.edu                                                                                                                                                                                                  Steve Mamikonian, BBA Coordination, Steve.Mamikonian@mason.wm.edu                                                                                                                                                                                                     

The McLeod Business Library

Located on the second floor of the Raymond A. Mason School of Business in Miller Hall, the McLeod Business Library is your center for business research.  Professional Business Reference Librarians and student assistants are ready to help you access business reference materials in both print and electronic formats. Most databases can be accessed remotely by the Mason community. Individual and group workstations are available for business research and study.  Food and beverages are allowed in the Business Library or Lab.

Alan B. Miller Hall, Suite 2034


Anna Milholland, Business Librarian
(757) 221-2915

Kyle Valliant, Assistant Library
(757) 221-2916

There is an online CHAT (Ask a Librarian) that is available during normal library hours. When CHAT is offline, email Kyle Valliant kyle.valliant@mason.wm.edu for assistance.

Library Hours

Hours for the library are posted on our website. Because the hours may vary, especially during interim periods and holidays, patrons should check the web page or call 757-221-2916 to confirm hours before visiting.

Regular Hours:  
Mondays - Thursdays 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Fridays 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturdays 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sundays 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Library Resources and Services

Business Databases

The McLeod Business Library has 30 business databases, including two Bloomberg terminals. Users may search on the homepage by going to Business Databases by Subject, which will then link to appropriate resources in that subject.  These databases are also accessible through Swem Library, by searching Databases/Business.

Databases are accessible remotely, by using your WMUserID and Password.  You cannot access the databases through Google.  You will need to go into either the McLeod or Swem Websites.

Several resources have restrictions; WRDS, requires permission to access: https://wrds-web.wharton.upenn.edu.  The user needs to register, then, I will receive the request to confirm a user account.  WRDS accounts are generally restricted to graduate students and faculty, but exceptions can be made and are considered on a case by case basis.  The ThomsonOne database can only be accessed by using the Internet Explorer web browser and may be accessed remotely.  The Morningstar database is only available on computers in McLeod Library.  McLeod Library has 8 computers for WM users only.

Business FAQ’s

Visit our website at https://mason.wm.edu/about/library/researchfaq/index.php for the most frequently asked questions (and resources to answer them) about companies, industries, marketing, global business, and research papers.  The FAQs provide links to appropriate databases for the student’s research needs.

Reference Collection

Many books and journals in the McLeod Business Library may not be taken out of the library. However, see Kyle Valliant for special circumstances.

All items in the Business Library’s reference collection are listed in the Earl Gregg Swem Library online catalog. Select McLeod Business Library from the Select Library menu on the Library Catalog search screen.

Popular Collection

The Popular Collection titles include both fiction and nonfiction. Patrons may check out these books for 28 days.

Research Assistance

If a student needs in-depth reference, research assistance, or database instruction, help is available. It is best to email kyle.valliant@mason.wm.edu or call 757-221-2915 for an appointment.

Course Reserves

Professors may place course materials on reserve in the Business Library. This provides all students with reliable, equitable access. Reserve items are generally available for three hour checkouts and are not allowed to leave the library.

Library Training Room/Group Study Lab

Students and their groups may use the five-person study tables when the Library is not using the room for training. The tables are equipped with five network jacks and a shared monitor.

Photocopying, Printing and Scanning

Copies and prints are five cents per page. Students may pay with their William & Mary Express card. If a student does not have an Express card he or she should ask Business Library staff for assistance. Students can print from the library computers and can also connect to library printers with their personal laptops. Printing costs are added to the student’s account and are not paid in the library.

Students may scan documents and e-mail them to an address of choice. The scans are black and white. Scanning is free.

Use of facilities in Alan B. Miller Hall and the Peninsula Center

Alan B. Miller Hall:

  • When classrooms in Miller Hall are open, they may be reserved for class project preparation, review sessions and officially recognized guest speakers.
  • Students may reserve any of the 14 classrooms through their respective program offices.
  • Students may be required to move or reschedule their activity if the room is needed for a School of Business event.
  • The Financial Markets Classroom doubles as a computer lab consisting of 42 computers for student use.
  • Please leave the room clean and tidy, with the technology turned off.

Peninsula Center:

  • Students may access the Peninsula Center between the hours of 6:00am and 12:00am with their Student ID Card.  This satellite location is at 41 Old Oyster Point, Suite F, Newport News, VA 23602.
  • Meeting rooms are available when not reserved.
  • This location has four classrooms, four team rooms and four computers for student use.
  • Two Interview rooms are available when not reserved.
  • Students may be required to move or reschedule their activity if the room is needed for a School of Business event.
  • Please leave the room clean and tidy, with the technology turned off.

Meeting Rooms (Miller Hall & Peninsula Center):

There are thirteen team meeting rooms on the lower level of Miller Hall, seven team meeting rooms on the first level of Miller Hall and four team meeting rooms at the Peninsula Center.  Student use of team meeting rooms is restricted to business students only. Appropriate use of the team meeting rooms is on the honor system. Team meeting rooms are intended for collaborative group work and should not be used by a single group for more than two hours. Miller Hall lower level team meeting rooms may be used by both undergraduate and graduate students, while team meeting rooms in the undergraduate and graduate wings are restricted for use by their respective students.

During the hours of 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday, the Miller Hall first floor team meeting rooms are available to student groups on a first-come, first served basis. During this time these meeting rooms cannot be reserved by students. Students are also not permitted to post signs of intended use.

During the hours of 5:00 pm - 2:00 am, M-F, Miller Hall first floor team meeting rooms can be reserved by student groups for up to seven days in advance by using the EMS reservation system on-line. There are no hour restrictions for reserving the lower level team meeting rooms.

Meeting Room Guidelines
  • Meeting rooms may be reserved for groups of up to 7 people. The small meeting rooms are for small group student use only. Please respect other students’ needs for meeting space and limit use to two hour blocks of time. Do not leave belongings unattended in these rooms to “hold” the space.
  • Miller Hall food and drink policies apply to team meeting rooms.
  • Students must clean up after themselves and leave the room in excellent condition for the next group of students. Furniture should not be moved in or out of the team meeting rooms.


Miller Hall

Raymond A. Mason students’ WM ID cards will allow access from 6:00am - 2:00am daily. After 2:00am the building will close and security officers will clear the building. Offices and suites are accessed by a key.

Peninsula Center

MBA students ID cards will allow access from 6:00am to 12:00am daily.

Boehly Cafe and Starbucks

The Boehly Café and Starbucks We Proudly Serve, located in Miller Hall, are open for breakfast and lunch during the academic year. Students can use their W&M Express cards to make purchases.

Lockers and Locker Policy

Lockers are available for rent to MBA Full-time, MAcc and MSBA students at the beginning of the school year. These lockers are located on the lower level of the Miller Building. Materials kept in lockers are the responsibility of the user. The Mason School of Business takes no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged materials while stored in lockers. The Mason School of Business reserves the right to inspect the contents of a locker at any time and will do so periodically. Food may not be kept in lockers.

To reserve a locker, contact the MBA Full-time, MAcc or MSBA programs.

Technology Services in Miller Hall

Technology Services is committed to providing a high level of service to ensure that information technology is an effective enabling tool for all Raymond A. Mason School of Business departments and divisions.

Technology Services’ goals are to provide: timely and effective technical support of computer software and technical tools that effectively support business needs, secure and reliable electronic environments, and new technology solutions that are rapidly acquired and implemented.

Students are required to have acceptable laptop computers (see our Laptop Requirements page, http://masonweb.wm.edu/technology/docs/laptop_requirements.pdf, for more information). It is the responsibility of the student to obtain sufficient technical and warranty support on his/her laptop computer and software supported by Technology Services for course work. Technology Services cannot be responsible for supporting student hardware and will refer students to the hardware manufacturer or third-party repair facilities to deal with hardware problems or problems with software/operating systems not supported by Technology Services.

MSBA Students have a more technical set of laptop requirements that can be found here: http://mason.wm.edu/programs/msba/admissions/prerequisites/index.php

Technology Services Help Desk

Technology Services Help Desk

All requests for assistance should be directed to the Technology Services Help Desk. The Technology Services Help Desk serves as a centralized point of contact for all computer issues for the Mason School of Business staff, faculty, and students.

The Help Desk can be reached by calling (757) 221-3401 between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM weekdays (except holidays). Non-emergency, scheduled, or access requests to the Help Desk may also be submitted using e-mail. The Help Desk can be reached via e-mail at: help@mason.wm.edu.

Student walk-in service is also available in Alan B. Miller Hall, room 2012 (north wing, 2nd floor) between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, for problems that require immediate attention. The Help Desk will be staffed weekdays (except holidays). All requests to the Help Desk are monitored to improve customer service and the timeliness of their services.

If a student experiences problems after hours in a Raymond A. Mason School of Business classroom, he or she should refer to our Classroom Troubleshooting FAQ on our website, http://masonweb.wm.edu/it/multimedia.asp. For further information regarding our technology and its use after hours, please browse our Web site, http://masonweb.wm.edu/it/.

The Help Desk prioritizes all requests according to their urgency to ensure appropriate response time to the multitude of service requests received. Service requests for issues affecting multiple users, or problems that prevent individuals from performing their work completely, are given a higher priority than requests for minor issues, such as new software installations.

Technology Services Help Desk

Room 2012, Alan B. Miller Hall

W&M Information Technology Department

The Information Technology Department offices are located in Jones Hall and the Technology Support Center in room 208 (http://www.wm.edu/it/ or 757-221-HELP) is responsible for the following systems on campus:

  • Blackboard
  • Banner
  • myWM (my.wm.edu)
  • Campus e-mail
  • Campus computer labs
  • Campus network


Please see William & Mary Technology Services Department under William & Mary Student Resources.