Dean of Students Office
Dr. Patricia M. Volp, Dean of Students
Campus Center, Room 109, 221-2510
Web site:
The Office of the Dean of Students assists all students, graduate and undergraduate, from their initial orientation to the College through successful completion of their academic and personal goals. The Dean of Students is an advocate for student needs and acts as liaison between students and academic departments. Staff members provide learning assistance counseling and workshops for students who are interested in boosting their time management and study skills. Disability Services for permanent or temporary disabilities are coordinated within this office (see Disability Services section). In addition, members of the staff work with students who are experiencing unexpected or difficult circumstances that may result in a need for a medical leave or mid-semester withdrawal.
The Dean’s office is responsible for managing all violations of the Code of Student Conduct and for training and advising the graduate and undergraduate Honor Councils. Staff members are available to discuss the community’s standards, the systems by which they are enforced, or concerns related to the conduct of students or student groups. Any member of the community may submit reports about student conduct to this office. The Office of the Dean of Students publishes the Student Handbook, which includes statements of rights and responsibilities for all students. Information about other services available to students also is included.
Disability Services
The University will seek to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities. This policy is enforced by federal law under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
The College of William and Mary welcomes a widely diverse population of students including students with disabilities. In order to provide an accessible educational environment and to meet the individual learning needs of students, we invite self-declaration of disabilities to the College’s Assistant Dean of Students for Disability Services, Campus Center 109, College of William and Mary, P.O. Box 8795, Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795, (757) 221-2510 (Voice), (757) 221-2538 (Fax).
Documentation of disability need not precede arrival on campus, but must be filed with Disability Services before reasonable accommodation will be considered. Please refer to the Disability Services website for specific details related to documentation criteria ( All documentation will be handled confidentially and shared only with the student’s express written permission for accommodation purposes.
Senior Citizens
Senior citizens of Virginia who wish to take advantage of fee waiver privileges for attending courses in the School of Education are invited to contact the University Registrar for full details.
Student Health Center
Dr. Virginia Wells, Director
Appointment Line 221-2998; Front Desk 221-4386
Web site:
The Student Health Center provides high-quality, primary medical care for students becoming ill or experiencing minor emergencies while away from home. The Health Center delivers a wide variety of services, many of which are covered by the Student Health Fee included in the Tuition and General Fee. All matters between a student and the Health Center staff are confidential and, except in the case of life-threatening situations, medical emergencies, severe emotional or psychological distress, or when required by law, will not be released without the student’s written consent.
Virginia State law requires all full-time students enrolling for the first time in a four year public institution to provide a health history and an official immunization record. Previously enrolled students re-entering as full-time students after an absence from campus of greater than 10 years, must also revalidate their immunization record. This information MUST be submitted on William and Mary’s Health Evaluation Form; faxes or photocopies will not be accepted.
Medical services are provided for all full-time students and for those graduate students certified by the Dean of their school to be doing the ‘equivalent of full-time work’. In order to be eligible for medical care both groups of students must have paid the Student Health Fee for the current semester and have met the Health Evaluation Form requirements including submission of an official immunization record.
Students choosing to seek care at an off campus site are responsible for charges incurred. Likewise, if a Health Center provider deems it medically necessary to refer a student to an off campus specialist, this also becomes the student’s financial responsibility. Students experiencing severe emotional or psychological distress will be evaluated by the College’s medical/emotional emergency response team and appropriate measures instituted. Anyone having knowledge of such circumstances should immediately contact the Dean of Students @221-2510, or the Student Health Center @221-4386.
The Student Health Center is located on Gooch Drive, south of Zable Stadium. Hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Wednesday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. when school is in session. During the summer and intersessions the hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 7:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Wednesday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Appointments with physicians and nurse practitioners may be scheduled by calling 221-2998.
Counseling Center
Dr. Warrenetta C. Mann, Director
Blow Memorial Hall, Suite 240; 221-3620
Web site:
The Counseling Center offers a range of brief psychological and counseling services for William and Mary students in order to address psychological issues, personal concerns, interpersonal issues, and crisis intervention. Staff members are available to discuss any important personal concerns a student may be facing and work with that student to provide resources to address those concerns.
The staff of the Counseling Center consists of a diverse group of mental health professionals with expertise in the issues that most frequently face student populations. A sport psychologist is available for students interested in learning how to enhance their athletic or academic performance. Psychiatric consultation is available through referral to the Student Health Center. All staff are trained and experienced in dealing with the problems of university students. Students are initially seen for an initial assessment. Follow up services are determined according to the needs of each individual student. Individual, couples, family, or group sessions offered at the counseling center are provided at no additional cost to the student. If appropriate, a student may be referred to other sources of help after an initial evaluation.
Counseling is confidential. Therapy is most effective when a student can be direct and honest with a counselor without fear that personal information will be divulged. Information about a student is not released without that student’s written permission, except in accordance with the laws and ethics governing our profession. Notations of counseling are not a part of a student’s College educational record.
Appointments may be made by calling the Counseling Center at 221-3620, or by coming to the office in person. Office hours are 8 a.m.-noon and 1p.m.- 5p.m., Monday through Friday. Emergency services during the fall and spring semesters are also available after hours and on weekends by calling the Campus Police at 221-4596 and asking to speak with the Counseling Center ‘on-call’ counselor.
University Libraries
Swem Library
Carrie Cooper, Dean of University Libraries
(757) 221-4636
The Earl Gregg Swem Library actively participates in the teaching and research missions of the College of William and Mary by providing services, collections, staff, and facilities that enrich and inform the educational experience, and promote a lifelong commitment to learning.
The library fulfills this mission by helping students, faculty, staff, and visitors find information and learn research skills; selecting and acquiring the best resources for the College’s curricular and research needs; and organizing, preserving, and providing access to these resources efficiently and effectively.
Hours for the library, various departments, and branch libraries are posted at Because these hours may vary, especially during interim periods and holidays, please check the posting or call (757) 221- 4636 to confirm hours before you visit.
Swem Library includes networked and wireless connections throughout the building. There are more than one hundred computers, including laptops, in the library. Numerous group study rooms are available for collaborative use.
Collections and Reference Services
Contact (757) 221-3067 or
Government Information Services
Specialized indexes for microform collections of government titles are available in the department. Contact the Government Information Department at (757) 221-3065.
Circulation Services
Please visit the library’s home page [] and click on ‘Your Records’. Contact the Circulation Department at (757) 221-3072.
Reserve Readings
Reserves Department at (757) 221-3072.
Interlibrary Loans
Interlibrary Loan Department at (757) 221-3089.
Media Center
Contact the Center at or (757) 221-1378 or sms/text 757-561-0791.
Special Collections Research Center
Special Collections at
Swem Departmental Libraries
For more information about Swem’s departmental libraries, please visit
- Chemistry Library, Integrated Science Center Room 1022, (757) 221-3119, contains approximately 12,000 volumes and journals.
- Geology Library, contains 17,000 volumes, journals and over 21,000 maps, but all materials have been transferred to Swem Library or the off-site stacks and materials are available via Swem Library’s online catalog,
- Music Library, 250 Ewell Hall, (757) 221-1074, contains more than 18,000 sound recordings, 10,000 pieces of printed music, and video recordings of musical performances and musical instruction.
- Physics Library, 151 Small Hall, contains over 30,000 volumes and journals. Anyone with card access to the building can use the library 24/7. Other William and Mary libraries include the Business/Professional Resource Center (757) 221-2916,; Education/Learning Resource Center (757) 221-2311; Law (757) 221-3255,; and Marine Science (804) 684-7116,
- The Law Library—the oldest in America—is home to the historic Thomas Jefferson Collection, as well as primary and secondary source materials covering the entire breadth of Anglo-American law. (757) 221-3255.
- The Mason School of Business Library, located on the second floor of the stunning Alan B. Miller Hall, offers the latest online tools, journals and videos for studying real-world business practices. (757) 221-2916.
- The William J. Hargis, Jr. Library at VIMS holds the ever-expanding collection of marine science reports, studies, theses and scholarly papers produced by VIMS staff and students. (804) 684-7116.
- The Education Library re-located to its new home in the cutting-edge School of Education building in 2010. (757) 221-2311.
Information Technology
(757) 221-4357 (HELP)
The College of William and Mary’s Information Technology department is devoted to assisting students and providing invaluable resources through one-on-one consultations, the Technology Support Center, and our extensive web site. With these points of interaction, we hope to help faculty, staff, and students become proficient users of campus technology. IT maintains a wide range of computing support for students, from answering questions about personal computers, to PAC Labs. We offer guidance and training in the areas of software setup and use, network connection and navigation, and general computer operation.
Public Access Computing (PAC) Labs
PACLabs are provided across campus to efficiently attend to the needs of the College’s students, staff, and faculty.
Academic Software
The Software Repository has a collection of free and licensed software for the W&M community. |