Feb 07, 2025  
2020 - 2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020 - 2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition and Other Expenses


Tuition and General Fees (per semester)

All degree-seeking undergraduate students will be charged the full-time tuition and fee rate for the fall and spring semesters unless they are approved by the Committee on Academic Status for an underload or are part of the Flexible Degree Track (see below). Tuition for summer sessions will be charged at the per credit hour rate. In addition, a one -time registration fee of $25.00 and a one- time comprehensive fee of $55.00 will be charged for summer sessions. Students auditing courses are subject to the same tuition and fees that apply to those courses taken for credit.

  In-State Out-of-State
Entering 2015-2016 Full time tuition and fees $10,086.00 $23,427.00
Entering 2016-2017 Full time tuition and fees $10,934.00 $23,427.00
Entering 2017-2018 Full time tuition and fees $11,282.00 $23,427.00
Entering 2018-2019 Full time tuition and fees $11,814.00 $23,427.00
Entering 2019-2020 Full time tuition and fees $11,814.00 $23,427.00
Entering 2020-2021 Full time tuition and fees $11,814.00 $23,427.00
Part time rates $425.00 per credit hour $1,278.00  per credit hour

Included in the above per-semester tuition and fees are the following general fees:

Auxiliary Services $1,048.50  
Intercollegiate Athletics $1,001.00  
Student Activities $260.00  

Newly admitted to Mason School of Business Program Fees:
     Majors Program $2,500.00 (per semester)
     Minors Program $1,250.00 (per semester)

Students carrying an approved underload may receive a reduction in tuition but must pay the full mandatory general fees. Flexible Degree Track students will be charged based on credit hour status (full-time or part-time). Flex track students registered for 12 or more hours will pay the full-time undergraduate tuition and fee rate.

Special Fees and Programs

Additional fees are charged for Applied Music lessons, science labs, art, some Kinesiology courses, etc.

The Applied Music lesson fee is $425.00 per credit hour. Students who take music lessons during the add/drop period prior to adding or dropping an Applied Music course will be charged a pro-rated fee, equal to 1/12 of the Applied Music fee ($425.00), for each lesson a student receives.

Fees for special courses are determined by the demand and arrangements, which are necessary to support such courses. Classes carrying fees have a notation in Banner Self-Service, “Additional Fees” and the amount of the fee can be seen in the Class Detail screen for each section.

Special fees are non-refundable.

Additional tuition and fees may be charged for some special programs at the university.

Students who plan to participate in William & Mary study abroad programs are required to register with the Global Education Office. All college students in good academic, social and financial standings are eligible to participate.


The Bursar’s Office generates eStatements each month for any account with a previous balance or with new activity. Payment is due in full by the due date on the statement.

Included on the eStatement are charges for tuition and fees, room, meal plans, and other miscellaneous charges such as printing, lab fees, music fees, tutoring fees, orientation fees, etc. Student account charges are due by the established payment deadlines. Failure to pay the balance due and/or to provide the required information for pending financial aid by the established payment deadlines may result In the assessment of a late fee, the loss of financial aid and/or a restrictive hold being placed on the student’s account.

For currently enrolled students, the eStatement is generated electronically. No paper bills are issued to students or parents.

An email is sent to the student’s W&M email address and to the authorized payer’s email address (provided in eServices) when a bill has been generated and is ready for viewing. As a reminder, it is a violation of the university’s Acceptable Use Policy to provide your password to a third party under any circumstances. Third parties may be set up as authorized users in Banner Self Service/eServices.

Students who choose to participate in the university’s monthly payment plan will not be issued a monthly billing statement. Due dates for tuition plan participants are established at the time of enrollment in the tuition payment plan.

Visit www.wm.edu/offices/financialoperations/sa/index.php for more information


Payment of Student Account

Charges for tuition and fees, residence hall, meal plan and miscellaneous fees are payable by the due date each semester. Registration is not final until all fees are paid and may be canceled if a student’s account is not paid in full by the due date, as established by the Office of the Bursar. Accounts not paid in full by the established due date will be assessed a late payment fee of 10% of the outstanding balance up to a maximum of $100.00.

Study abroad fees, due dates, and late fees vary.  Please consult the Global Education Office website for details (www.wm.edu/studyabroad). 

Payment Methods

Payment may be made in U.S. dollars only by cash; check, money order or cashier’s check made payable to The College of William & Mary. Payments by cash or check are accepted at the Cashiers Office in Blow Hall. Payment by check may also be made via the U.S. Postal Service. A check returned by the bank for any reason will constitute nonpayment and may result in late fees or collections. Payment online via credit card–American Express, Discover, VISA and MasterCard–is also available in eServices. Credit cards are accepted for online payments only. The university does not accept credit cards for ‘in-person’ payments or over the phone. A convenience fee is charged for payments made via credit card. Payment may also be made online via an electronic (web) check. There is no fee for paying online via electronic (web) check. Additional information may be obtained from the Bursar’s Office website at http://www.wm.edu/offices/financialoperations/sa/index.php

Any past due debt owed the university, (telecommunications, emergency loans, parking, health services, library fines, etc.), may result in late fees or collections, withholding of transcripts and diplomas, and non-conferral of degree. In the event a past due account is referred for collection, the student will be charged all collection and litigation costs, as well as, the university’s late payment fee.

Tuition Payment Plans

To assist with the payment of educational costs, the university offers the option of an Interest-Free Monthly Payment Plan for the fall and/or spring semesters of the academic year. This monthly payment plan allows you to spread your expenses for tuition, room and board, and other miscellaneous expenses charged on the student account into 4 monthly installments per semester.  A non-refundable application fee in the amount of $50.00 per semester is charged during the enrollment process for the payment plan. 

Additional information, including plan highlights and FAQs, may be found on the Bursar’s Office website at www.wm.edu/eservices under the “Tuition Payment Plan” link.

Credit for Scholarships

Students who have been awarded financial aid are required to pay any amount not covered by the award by the established semester payment due date to avoid being charged a late payment fee. The Office of the Bursar must receive written notification of any outside scholarship from the organization before the credit can be given towards tuition and fees. Please submit all paperwork pertaining to outside scholarships at least 1 week prior to the billling due date.


Withdrawal Schedule and Refunds

Full-time Students Who Withdraw from the university Fall/Spring Semesters

Full-time students who withdraw from the university are charged a percentage of the tuition and fees based on the school week within which the withdrawal occurs. A school week is defined as the period beginning on Monday and ending on the succeeding Sunday. The first school week of a semester is defined as that week within which classes begin. Full-time students who withdraw from the university within the first school week of the semester are eligible for a refund of all payments for tuition and fees less the required enrollment deposit for entering students.  After week 1 of the semester, the amount of the tuition and fees charged /refunded will be determined based on the following schedule:

Week Percentage Charged Percentage Refunded
1 0% 100%
2 20% 80%
3 30% 70%
4 40% 60%
5 50% 50%
6 60% 40%
After week 6 100% 0%

Students will not be eligible for any refund of tuition and general fees if required to withdraw by the university.

Please visit Registration and Withdrawal, Withdrawal from the University  for instructions on the withdrawal process.

Refund of the room rent will be prorated based on the date the resident officially checks out of the room with required paperwork completed by a Residence Life staff member. Meal plan usage charges are calculated on a daily rate and the date a change is made.  If a student changes to a lesser plan or drops a voluntary meal plan and has already used a portion of the plan, refunds will be based on the difference between the two plans. Used meal swipes and Dining Dollars will also be deducted from any eligible refund. Failure to make payment when due may result in penalties, including a hold/block on registration and/or transcripts.

Overpayments on the student account created by federal loans or grants will be automatically refunded following federal guidelines. (Within 2 weeks after fund disbursement)

Overpayments created by Parent Plus Loans will be refunded to the parent unless the parent designates the student as the recipient during the loan application process.

If an overpayment shows on a student’s account and it is not created by federal financial aid, the student is required to request a refund (https://forms.wm.edu/516/) from the Bursar’s Office. If a request is not filed, the overpayment will remain on the student’s account as a credit for the next semester or to offset additional charges which the student incurs.

Refunds for overpayments are issued as:
1 Direct deposit to your bank account if you have signed up for eRefund via eServices
2. A paper check mailed in the following address priority;
-CSU or GSH Box
-Local Address
-Permanent Mailing Address

Paper checks are issued to the most current address in Banner. It is the responsibility of the student to update their addresses by logging into Banner self-service.

For students paying through the tuition payment plan, all refunds will be determined by comparing the amount eligible for refunding to the total monthly payments made to date. Any outstanding amounts owed the university for tuition, general fees, dormitory fees or meal plan charges after deducting the eligible refund will be due immediately upon withdrawal.

It is university policy to hold the enrolled student liable for charges incurred, therefore in the case of refunding any overpayment, refund checks will be issued in the name of the student. Students who have received financial aid may be responsible for repaying those funds (see Withdrawal Schedule for repayment schedule).

Flexible Degree Track Students who withdraw from the university

Flex Track students who withdraw from the university within the first school week of the semester are eligible for a full refund of tuition and fees. After the first week, the amount of the tuition and fees to be charged will follow the full-time withdrawal schedule.

Students will not be eligible for any refund of tuition if required to withdraw from the university.

Flexible Degree Track Students who withdraw from a course

A Flex Track student who withdraws from a course after the add/drop period and remains registered for other academic work will not be eligible for a refund.

Summer Sessions

Students who drop their course(s) during the session drop/add period will not be assessed any tuition for the course(s). Students who withdraw from a course or courses after the add/drop period for the course session will not be eligible for any adjustment of tuition and fees.

Study Abroad Programs

Please contact the Global Education Office at wmabroad@wm.edu or 757-221-3594 to inquire about summer session refunds. 

Special Fees Refunds

Fees for special courses are determined by the demand and arrangements, which are necessary to support such courses. Classes carrying fees have a notation in Banner Self-Service, “Additional Fees” and the amount of the fee can be seen in the Class Detail screen for each section.

Special fees are non-refundable.

Financial Aid Repayment Schedule

The return of Title IV funds for students with Title IV Federal Aid (Federal PELL, Direct Federal Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans, Federal SEOG, Federal Work Study, Federal Perkins, Direct Federal PLUS, and Grad PLUS) who withdraw from school will be calculated in compliance with Federal regulations. A statutory schedule is used to determine the amount of Title IV funds a student has earned as of the date the student withdraws or ceases attendance.  Please be advised that the Federal return of funds calculation has a different percent of attendance schedule than the university’s withdrawal policy.

If a student withdraws from college prior to completing 60% of a semester, the Financial Aid Office must recalculate the students eligibility for all funds received, including Title IV funds. Recalculation is based on a percent of earned aid using the following Federal Return of Title IV funds formula:

Percent of aid earned = the number of days completed up to the withdrawal date, divided by the total days in the semester. (Any break of five days or more is not counted as part of the days in the semester.)

For Title IV purposes, the withdrawal date will be the date of notification of intent to withdraw, which may be earlier than the withdrawal date for the purpose of tuition reimbursement. If a student does not formally withdraw but ceases to attend classes, the withdrawal date under Title IV will be the mid-point of the semester.

Funds are returned to the appropriate federal program based on the percent of unearned aid using the following formula:

Aid to be returned = (100% minus the percent earned) multiplied by the amount of aid disbursed toward institutional charges.

Keep in mind that, when funds are returned, the student borrower may owe a balance to the university. If that is the case, the student should contact the Student Accounts/Bursars Office to make payment arrangements.

Examples of Return of Funds Calculation

Example 1: Virginia undergraduate who lives on campus

  Institutional Charges
    Tuition $6935  
    Housing $2838  
  Financial Aid Package
    Pell Grant $1500  
    Direct Subsidized Loan $1887  
    State Grant $3086  

The student withdraws on 10/20, which is day 57 out of 116 in the semester (57/116=49.1% of Title IV funds earned by the student). Title IV funds = $3387 ($1500 Pell + $1887 Sub Stafford). $3387 X 49.1% = $1663.02 of earned Title IV funds. The remainder of funds unearned $3387-$1663.02 = $1723.98 will be returned to Federal programs. The state grant will be reduced using the same formula; $3086 X 41.1% = $1268.35 earned and $1817.65 of the state grant.

Example 2: Out of state student not living on campus

    Tuition $19220
  Financial Aid Payments
    Direct Subsidized Loan $807
    Direct Unsubsidized Loan $1860
    Perkins Loan $750
    FA Grant $9076


The student withdraws on 10/27 which is day 64 out of 116 in the semester (64/116=55.2% of Title IV funds earned by the student). Title IV funds = $3,417 ($807 Sub Stafford + $1860 UnSub Stafford + $750 Perkins Loan). $3,417 X 55.2% = $1886.18 of earned Title IV funds. The remainder of funds unearned $3,417 - $1886.18 = $1530.82 will be returned to Federal programs. The FA grant will be reduced using the same formula; $9076 X 55.2% = $5009.95 earned and $4066.05 unearned.

William & Mary must return $1531 to the Direct Unsubsidized Loan and $4066.05 of the FA grant.

Eligibility for In-State Tuition Rate

To be eligible for in-state tuition, a student must meet the statutory test for domicile as set forth in Section 23-7.4 of the Code of Virginia. Domicile is a technical legal concept. In general, to establish domicile, students must be able to prove permanent residency in Virginia for at least one continuous year immediately the first official day of classes, and intend to remain in Virginia indefinitely after graduation. Residence in Virginia for the primary purpose of attending college does not provide eligibility for in-state tuition. Applicants seeking in-state  status must complete and submit the “Application for Virginia In-State Tuition Privileges” by the first day of classes of the semester for which In-state eligibility is sought. The application is evaluated and the student is notified in writing if the request for in-state tuition is denied.

Under Virginia law, students under age 24 are rebuttably presumed to be dependent on a parent/guardian, and, unless an exception is identified, the parent/guardian’s domicile status determines the student’s tuition rate.

Special rules apply to veteran, active-duty, and military dependent students and non-U.S. citizens; contact the Registrar’s Office for details or visit www.wm.edu/registrar.

A matriculating student whose domicile has changed may request reclassification from out-of-state to in-state. Students seeking reclassification must complete and submit the “Application for Virginia In-State Tuition Privileges” to the Office of the University Registrar. The Office of the University Registrar evaluates the application and notifies the student only if the request for in-state tuition is denied. Any student may submit in writing an appeal to the decision made, however, a change in classification will only be made when justified by clear and  convincing evidence. All questions about eligibility for domiciliary status should be addressed to the Office of the University Registrar, (757) 221-2808.

In determining domicile the school will consider the following factors for the student and parent/guardian/spouse:

  • Citizenship status
  • Residence during the year prior to the first official day of classes
  • Employment
  • Property ownership
  • Sources of financial support
  • State to which income taxes are filed or paid
  • Location of checking or passbook savings
  • Social or economic ties with Virginia
  • Driver’s license
  • Motor vehicle registration Voter registration

Credit hour surcharge-Students who qualify for in-state tuition privileges must pay a surcharge (generally calculated at out-of-state tuition rates) for courses taken after completion of 125% of the credit hours required for the degree. For example, for a bachelor’s degree requiring 120 credit hours, this would mean that any credits taken beyond 150 (or 125% of 120) would be charged at the out-of-state rate. Certain exceptions apply, including AP/IB credits; see Section 23-7.4:F of the Code of Virginia for more information.

Additional information may be obtained from the William & Mary website at http://www.wm.edu/registrar or directly from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) at http://www.schev.edu/.

Meal Plans

William & Mary Dining Services provides a comprehensive dining program featuring a variety of meal plan options to meet the needs of each student. The two residential dining facilities on campus, the Commons and Center Court at the Sadler Center, provide all-you-care-to-eat style dining, while numerous retail options include Marketplace, Cosi, Tribe Truck, Element Cafe at the Integrated Science Center, the Law School Cafe, Monticello Cafe at the School of Education, Boehly Cafe at the School of Business, Aromas in Swem Library, Domino’s Pizza Delivery and Chick-fil-A at Tribe Square provide traditional pay-as-you-go options. 

William & Mary Dining Services offers students a total of seven meal plans to choose from. The Freedom Plan, an unlimited meal plan and the Gold 19 plan provide a guaranteed number of meals per week. The Block 175, Block 125, Block 100, Commuter 50 and Commuter 25 provide a guaranteed number of meals per semester. All meal plans include Dining Dollars to provide flexibility and convenience. The amount of Dining Dollars varies according to the meal plan selected. Additional Dining Dollars may be purchased in increments of $10 and added to your meal plan at any time during the semester.

The university requires that all undergraduate students residing in campus-managed property purchase a meal plan.  Meal plan eligibility is determined by social class and in some cases, residence location. Freshmen and residential sophomores are required to purchase the Freedom, Gold 19, or Block 175 plan. Residential juniors and seniors are required to purchase the Freedom, Gold 19, Block 175, Block 125 or the Block 100.  Students residing in Ludwell, Tribe Square, Cabell and Nicholas can select from any available meal plan, including the Commuter 50 and Commuter 25. If a student does not select a meal plan by July 8, the Gold 19 will be automatically applied to the Student Account. Students may then make one allowable change by visiting mealplan.wm.edu until the end of the add/drop period (restrictions apply). To learn more about meal plans and campus dining, visit www.wm.edu/dining. Meal plans selected in the Fall automatically roll over to the Spring semester. Allowable changes after the add/drop period may be made by contacting dining@wm.edu and may incur additional fees.  Exemptions from the meal plan requirement must be approved by the Meal Plan Release Committee. All meal plans are non-transferable and are intended for individual use only.  For additional information about meal plans, including the complete policy, visit www.wm.edu/dining


William & Mary Bookstore

The William & Mary Bookstore, operated by Barnes & Noble College Booksellers, offers new, used, digital and rental textbooks for all William & Mary courses and offers a competitive Price Match program. In addition to required textbooks, the bookstore has recommended school and dorm room supplies.  The Bookstore is also the official source for the Student Laptop Program, W&M clothing, gifts, class rings, graduation regalia and commencement announcements. The College Café located on the second floor of the bookstore, proudly serves Starbucks coffee and offers a varied assortment of baked goods, sandwiches, salads and other lunch and dinner options. A variety of author appearances, readings, children’s occasions, and other special events are held throughout the year. Students receive a 20% discount on W&M clothing purchases with a valid W&M Tribe Card. The Bookstore accepts cash, W&M Express, all major credit cards and Barnes & Noble gift cards.

William & Mary Student Tribe Card 

The William & Mary Tribe Card is the University’s official card prepared by Tribe Card Services for each student. It functions as a campus meal card, library card, an entry or access card to residence halls, recreational facilities, academic buildings, and the Student Health Center. Student Tribe Cards are not transferable and are intended for the sole use of the student to whom it is issued. Usage is limited to William & Mary, VIMS, and authorized programs. The Tribe Card is not to be used for legal purposes outside the University. A Tribe Card used by anyone other than its owner will be confiscated and the person using the card may be subject to disciplinary action. Because cards provide access to secured buildings and financial accounts, lost cards should be deactivated immediately via tribecard.wm.edu. If the lost card cannot be deactivated, it can be reported to Tribe Card Services during business hours or to Campus Police evenings and weekends. This process also ensures that misplaced cards cannot be used by others. A $23 charge is assessed for lost, worn or damaged cards.  For additional information, visit www.wm.edu/tribecard.   Tribe Card Services is located in Room 169 in the Campus Center.

William & Mary Express Account

The William & Mary Express Account is a debit account linked to the student’s Tribe Card. When deposits are made to the account, students can use their Tribe Cards to purchase a variety of goods and services both on and off campus. Deposits to the Express account may be made online, at Tribe Card Services, or at the Value Transfer Station (VTS) machine located in Aroma’s at Swem Library.  The W&M Express account can be used to make purchases at many campus merchants including Campus Recreation, Parking & Transportation, the Bookstore and Dining Services as well as over 15 off-campus merchants. For additional W&M Express information visit www.wm.edu/wmexpress

Parking & Transportation

All motor vehicles operated or parked on university property, including motorcycles, motor scooters, moped, and vehicles with handicapped plates or hangtags, must be registered with the Parking Services Office. A decal is required to park on university property at all times beginning Monday, 7:30 a.m. through Friday, 5:00 p.m., except in metered or timed spaces as posted. Only under special circumstances and with prior written approval are freshmen and sophomores allowed to have cars on campus. Parking Services office hours are 7:45 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 7:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. on Friday, closed weekends unless otherwise advertised. The Motorist Assistance Program (MAP) offers assistance to stranded motorists on university property 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.  Registered bicycles may utililize the campus bike racks throughout campus.   Bicycles found improperly chained to campus property or that pose a safety hazard, will be tagged for 24 hours then removed and impounded.   For more information, please contact (757) 221-4764 or visit www.wm.edu/parking. The Parking Services office is located at 201 Ukrop Way, attached to the campus parking garage.

Students may also access the WATA bus lines by showing their William & Mary Tribe Card. For more information about current bus schedules and routes, visit gowata.org

Residence Hall Fees

Residence Hall fees vary depending on the specific building to which a student is assigned; the average cost per semester fee is $3,945.00.  Freshman and sophomore students are required to live in on-campus housing, although students who want to live with their families within a 30 mile radius of campus may apply to Residence Life for an exception. After their sophomore year, students may choose to live off campus. Students who move out of campus housing and remain enrolled at the university will not be eligible for residence hall fee refunds unless granted a contract release by Residence Life.

Housing Cancellation Policy- Students have 24 hours from contract acceptance to cancel their housing contract with no penalty. Students who have signed the W&M Residence Life Housing Contract for the 2020-2021 academic year will owe and be charged full room fees. Any termination of the W&M Residence Life Housing Contract, subject to the terms and conditions in Sections 5 and 6, may qualify the resident for a refund or adjustment of room fees owed as outlined below. If Residence Life is unable to provide a fall semester room assignment by August 1, the student may request cancellation of the contract with no penalty. The cancellation policy does not apply to freshman or sophomore (by social class) housing assignments.

After the 24-hour cancellation period and prior to May 31, the following cancellation schedule and fees apply:

Semester I, Fall 2020:

  • Prior to February 28: If a request for cancellation is received before this date the student may cancel their contract and a $500 cancellation fee will be billed to the student account.
  • February 28 to March 31: If a request for cancellation is received between these dates the student may cancel their contract and a $1000 cancellation fee will be billed to the student account.
  • April 1 to April 30: If a request for cancellation is received between these dates the student may cancel their contract and a $1500 cancellation fee will be billed to the student account.
  • May 1 to May 31: If a request for cancellation is received between these dates the student may cancel their contract and a $2000 cancellation fee will be billed to the student account.

Contracts submitted after May 31:

  • If a request for cancellation is received within 5 business days from contract submission the student may cancel their contract and a $500 cancellation fee will be billed to the student account.
  • If a request for cancellation is received between 6-10 business days from contract submission the student may cancel their contract and a $1,000 cancellation fee will be billed to the student account.
  • On or after 11 days from contract submission students who wish to cancel their housing contract must petition for contract release.

Semester II, Spring 2021: (new Spring 2021 contracts only- does not apply to fall 2020 residents)

  • If a request for cancellation is received within 5 business days from contract submission the student may cancel their contract and a $500 cancellation fee will be billed to the student account.
  • If a request for cancellation is received between 6-10 business days from contract submission the student may cancel their contract and a $1000 cancellation fee will be billed to the student account.
  • On or after 11 business days from contract submission students who wish to cancel their housing contract must petition for contract release.

Starting June 1, students must submit a Contract Release Request via the Housing Portal. A release may be granted only to students who can demonstrate through the written and supporting documentation that their situation has changed in an unexpected or unforeseen manner and cannot be resolved in campus housing. Requests are considered on a case-by-case basis and release is not guaranteed. If a contract release is approved, the student may receive a refund as outlined per the Withdrawal Schedule and Refunds, available in the undergraduate course catalog, once check out is completed. Release request decisions are final.


New Graduate, Transfer & Returning Student Contracts submitted after May 31

  • If a request for cancellation is received within 5 business days from contract submission the student may cancel their contract and a $500 cancellation fee will be billed to the student account.
  • If a request for cancellation is received between 6-10 business days from contract submission the student may cancel their contract and a $1,000 cancellation fee will be billed to the student account.
  • On or after 11 days from contract submission students who wish to cancel their housing contract must petition for contract release.

Cancellation requests should be emailed from the student’s William & Mary email account to living@wm.edu and include student name, student ID number, space selected and a statement requesting cancellation. Beginning May 31 students seeking to be released from their on-campus housing contract must petition the Contract Release Committee. A release may be granted only to students who can demonstrate through the written petition and supporting documentation that their situation is extraordinary and cannot be resolved in campus housing. Petitions are considered on a case by case basis and release is not guaranteed.

Incidental Expenses - The cost of clothing, travel and incidental expenses varies according to the habits of the individual. The cost of books depends on the courses taken. Books must be paid for at time of purchase. Checks for books should be payable to The William and Mary Bookstore.

Deposits and Miscellaneous Fees

Application fee $   75.00
Enrollment deposit   150.00
New Students and Family Program Fee   349.00
Room change penalty fee     50.00
Graduation fee   145.00

Application Fee

A non-refundable processing fee of $75 is required with an application for admission to the university for undergraduate freshmen and transfer students. If the student attends the university, this fee is not applied as credit toward their tuition and fees charges. Students applying for transfer from Richard Bland College are exempt from payment of this fee.

Enrollment Deposit

Upon acceptance for enrollment by the university, a non-refundable deposit of $150 for transfers and freshmen is required to confirm the student’s intent to enroll. The deposit is applied as a credit toward tuition and fees charges.

Orientation Fee

A non-refundable orientation fee of $ 334.00 is required of all new undergraduate degree-seeking students. The student will be billed for the fee along with the other tuition and fees obligations.

Room Change Penalty Fee

Students who change rooms without the approval of Residence Life will be charged a $50 fee and will be required to move back into the original assignment.

Graduation Fee

A non-refundable graduation fee of $145.00 (per degree) will be charged to all students after they have filed their “Notice of Candidacy for Graduation”. The student will be billed for the fee along with the other tuition and fees obligations.

Transcript Fee

Official transcripts cost $7 per transcript. Payment is due at the time the order is placed. Payment must be made in U.S. dollars only by cash or check made payable to William & Mary. Transcripts must be requested in writing with a student’s signature or online through the National Student Clearinghouse. Request forms are available in the Office of the University Registrar, Blow Memorial Hall, online at https://www.wm.edu/offices/registrar/forms/index.php, or written requests may be mailed to: William &Mary, Office of the University Registrar, P.O. Box 8795, Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795, Attention: Transcripts. No transcript will be released until all financial obligations to the university are satisfied. Current and former students enrolled since 2007 may access an unofficial transcript through Banner self-service at my.wm.edu. One unofficial transcript will be generated free-of-charge upon request to the University Registrar’s office per year; subsequent copies carry a $7 fee.

Financial Penalties

Failure to pay in full by the established due date(s) may result in the assessment of late fees/penalties in an amount up to 10% of the outstanding account balance. Semester payment due dates are established by the Office of the Bursar. For students electing to pay tuition and fees through the tuition payment plan, the payment due date is the first of each month beginning in August for the fall semester and January for the spring semester as detailed in the payment plan enrollment information.  Failure to pay by the established due date(s) may result in late fees, referral to University Collections and Receivables, and/or referral to an outside collection agency.

Late Registration Fee

$50 for full-time students
$25 for Flex Track/part time students

A student must petition the Dean of Students Office to register late or register again after cancellation. If approved, payment is due in full for all debts owed the university, including a late registration fee and late payment fee.

Delinquent Accounts

An account is considered delinquent when payment has not been received by the payment due date. Once your account is considered delinquent (more than 59 days past due) with the university, we are required by the Commonwealth of Virginia to send your account to either a private Collection Agency or the Office of the Attorney General depending on the dollar amount past due.

If your account has been sent to a Collection Agency (all accounts receivable under $3,000.00 and more than 59 days past due), the following events will occur until you have paid the Collection Agency in full:
• Addition of 23% collection costs;
• Submission of your account to the Department of Taxation pursuant to the Setoff Debt Collection Act;
• Reporting of your account to all Major Credit Bureaus; and
• Placement of a hold on your William & Mary account making you ineligible for any services from the university such as registration for classes, official transcripts, or a diploma.

If your account has been sent to the Office of the Attorney General (all accounts receivable $3,000.00 and greater and more than 59 days past due), the following events will occur until you have paid the Office of the Attorney General in full:
• Imposition of interest accrual at six percent per annum from (date of initial pre-delinquency invoice or demand letter);
• Addition of 30% attorney’s fees to your account balance;
• Submission of your account to the Department of Taxation pursuant to the Setoff Debt Collection Act; and
• Placement of a hold on your William & Mary account making you ineligible for any services from the university such as registration for classes, official transcripts, or a diploma.

Returned Check Fee

The return of a check issued to the College of William & Mary will result in a $50.00 returned check fee being placed on the account of the student on whose behalf the check was presented for each returned check no matter the reason. Each account will be allowed two (2) returned checks after which payment by check will not be accepted. Written notification/email on how to resolve the returned check(s) will be sent to the person whose account was affected and/ or the maker of the check.

A hold will be placed on the account affected, until the returned check has been redeemed (made good). If the returned check(s) have not been redeemed by the deadline, an additional 10% (up to $250.00) late fee will be levied, and the university will begin its collection proceedings as stated within the guidelines of the Department of Accounts, Commonwealth of Virginia.

Important Note: A returned check may automatically result in a hold on the account affected, which may preclude participation in any or all of the following activities: further check writing privileges, class registration, receipt of grades, issuing transcripts, and/or diplomas.

Returned Electronic Payment Policy

Payments made online through eServices by credit card and/or echeck which are returned for any reason will result in a $50.00 returned payment charge being assessed on the student’s account at the university.

A hold will be placed on the account affected, until the returned check has been redeemed (made good).  If the returned check(s) have not been redeemed by the deadline, an additional 10% (up to $250.00) late fee will be levied, and the university will begin its collection proceedings as stated within the guidelines of the Department of Accounts, Commonwealth of Virginia.

Returned Check Payment Methods

  1. Cash-Pay in person at the Bursar’s Office. Obtain a cash register receipt for your records. DO NOT MAIL CASH.
  2. Certified Funds -Make cashier’s check, money order, or other certified funds payable to the College of William & Mary. Include your name, ID#, current address, and phone number on the face of the check.
  3. Deliver in person or mail certified funds to the following address:

    The College of William & Mary
    Attn: Bursar’s Office / Sandra Thomas
    P.O. Box 8795
    Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795