Dec 30, 2024  
2022 - 2023 Graduate Catalog 
2022 - 2023 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Physics Faculty


Jeffrey K. Nelson Professor (Ph.D., Minnesota).

Graduate Director

Michael A. Kordosky Professor (Ph.D., Texas - Austin).


David S. Armstrong Chancellor Professor (Ph.D., British Columbia), Todd D. Averett (Ph.D., Virginia), Christopher D. Carone (Ph.D., Harvard), William E. Cooke (Ph.D., MIT), Joshua Erlich (Ph.D., MIT), Keith A. Griffioen (Ph.D., Stanford), Henry Krakauer (Ph.D., Brandeis), Dennis M. Manos CSX Professor of Physics and Applied Science (Ph.D., Ohio State), Robert D. McKeown Governor’s Distinguished CEBAF Professor (Ph.D., Princeton), Irina Novikova (Ph.D., Texas A&M), Konstantinos N. Orginos (Ph.D., Brown), M. Mumtaz Qazilbash (Ph.D., Maryland - College Park), Jianwei Qiu Governor’s Distinguished CEBAF Professor (Ph.D., Columbia), Enrico Rossi (Ph.D., Texas - Austin), Marc T. Sher (Ph.D., Colorado), George M. Vahala (Ph.D., Iowa), and Patricia L. Vahle (Ph.D., Texas - Austin).

Associate Professors

Seth A. M. Aubin (Ph.D., SUNY - Stony Brook), Jozef J. Dudek (D.Phil., Oxford), Eugeniy Mikhailov (Ph.D., Texas A&M), Saskia Mordijck (Ph.D., University of California - San Diego) (on leave 2022-2023), and Justin R. Stevens (Ph.D., Indiana) (on leave 2022-2023).

Assistant Professor

Christopher J. Monahan (Ph.D. Cambridge).

Adjunct Professors

Peter E. Bosted (Ph.D., MIT), Warren Buck (Ph.D., William & Mary), Wally Melnitchouk (Ph.D., Adelaide), David Richards (Ph.D., Cambridge), Malathy Devi Venkataraman (Ph.D., Kerala), and Bogdan Wojtsekhowski (Ph.D., Novosibirsk), and Shiwei Zhang (Ph.D., Cornell).


Bjorg Larson (Ph.D., SUNY - Stony Brook), and Ran Yang (Ph.D., William & Mary).

Professors Emeriti

Carl E. Carlson Class of 1962 Professor (Ph.D., Columbia), Roy L. Champion Chancellor Professor (Ph.D., Florida), Franz L. Gross (Ph.D., Princeton), R. Alejandra Lukaszew (Ph.D., Wayne State), Charles F. Perdrisat (D.Sc. ETH, Zurich), Kenneth G. Petzinger (Ph.D., Pennsylvania), Harlan E. Schone (Ph.D., California - Berkeley), Eugene R. Tracy Chancellor Professor (Ph.D., Maryland), Hans C. von Baeyer Chancellor Professor (Ph.D., Vanderbilt), J. Dirk Walecka Governor’s Distinguished CEBAF Professor (Ph.D., MIT), and Robert E. Welsh Chancellor Professor (Ph.D., Pennsylvania State).