Nelson (Chair), Armstrong (Chancellor Professor), Averett, Carone (Vice-Dean for Research & Graduate Studies), Erlich, Griffioen, Kordosky, Manos (CSX Professor of Physics and Applied Science), Novikova, Orginos, Qazilbash, Qiu (Governor’s Distinguished CEBAF Professor), Rossi, Sher, Vahala, and Vahle
Associate Professors
Aubin, Dudek, Mikhailov, Mordijck, and Stevens
Assistant Professors
Jackura, Monahan and Stark
Larson and Yang
Professors Emeritus
Carlson (Class of 1962 Professor), Champion (Chancellor Professor), Cooke, Gross, Lukaszew (VMEC Emerita), Perdrisat, Petzinger, Schone, Tracy (Chancellor Professor), von Baeyer (Chancellor Professor), Walecka (Governor’s Distinguished CEBAF Professor), and Welsh (Chancellor Professor).