Benes (Chair), Corney, Daileader, Ely (William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Humanities), Homza (James Pinckney Harrison Professor), Kelly (Director, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture), Meyer, Piker, Popper, Schechter, Sheriff, and Zutshi (Class of 1962 Professor of History)
Associate Professors
C. Brown, Chouin (Margaret L. Hamilton Associate Professor), Fisher, Gaffield, Galmarini, Han, Kitamura (Director, International Relations Program), Konefal, Levitan (Director of Graduate Studies/Associate Chair; Director, European Studies Program), Mapp, McGovern, Middleton (William E. Pullen Associate Professor of History), Petty (Director of Undergraduate Studies/Associate Chair), Pope, Prado, Rosen (Director, American Studies Program), Stump, Thelwell (Director, Africana Studies Program), and Turits (Director, Global Studies Program)
Assistant Professors
Allen (Robert Francis Engs Director, The Lemon Project), Jafari, and Nofil
Teaching Professor
Associate Teaching Professor
Assistant Teaching Professor
Faculty Affiliates
Richter (Director, NIAHD) and Schroeder (Assistant Director, NIAHD)
Visiting Assitant Teaching Professors
Berndt and Hershey
Adjunct Associate Professors
Adjunct Assistant Professors
D. Brown, Butler, Gorbunova-Ford, Klee, Limoncelli, Stallings, and White
Courtesy Professors
Grasso and Wulf
Courtesy Associate Professor
Kelso (Director of Archaeology, Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities), Kern and Rushforth