Registration for Graduate Credit
All regular and provisional graduate students admitted to a course numbered 500 or above shall receive graduate credit upon satisfactory completion of the course. Regular or provisional graduate students will be allowed to register for graduate credit in courses in Arts and Sciences numbered 300 through 499 provided they submit the appropriate form with the approvals of the instructor, the student’s graduate director, and the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, prior to registration. Graduate credits will be awarded only upon successful completion of the course with a grade of C (quality points =2.0) or better.
With the approval of the Committee on Graduate Studies, 500 level and 600 level graduate courses may be cross-listed with 300 or 400 level undergraduate courses. Under no circumstances may any student receive credit for both the undergraduate level and graduate level versions of the same cross-listed course.
Changes in Registration
The last day for students to make changes to their course registration will be the last day of the add/drop period (as defined in the calendar ). Changes in students’ schedules after the last day of the add/drop period will be initiated through the student’s graduate director using an Add/Drop/Withdrawal form which can be obtained on the web at and requires the approval of the instructors involved, the student’s graduate director, and the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research. If the student drops a course or courses before the end of the ninth week of classes but remains registered for other academic work, the course or courses dropped will be removed from the student’s record. If the student withdraws from a course or courses after the end of the ninth week of classes through the last day of classes, but remains registered for other academic work, the grade ‘W’ or ‘F’ will be awarded by the instructor in the course depending upon whether or not the student was passing at the time of the withdrawal. If the student withdraws from the College before the end of the ninth week of classes, a grade of ‘W’ will appear on the record for each course in progress at the time of withdrawal. After the end of the ninth week of classes through the last day of classes, students who withdraw from the College will be awarded a ‘W’ or ‘F’ by the faculty member teaching each course in progress at the time of withdrawal.
Students may not withdraw from a course after the last day of classes. If for medical reasons a student does not complete a course, ‘WM’ will be entered on the record upon approval of the Dean of Students and the Medical Review Committee. For further information see ‘Medical Withdrawals/Leaves of Absence .’ See Section VII for regulations governing refunds of tuition and fees.
Research Graduate Students
Upon the recommendation of a student’s department/program and approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, a student’s eligibility for Research Graduate status can be established if the following conditions are met:
- The student has completed all required course work.
- The student is not employed significantly in any activity other than research and writing in fulfillment of degree requirements.
- The student is present on the campus or is engaged in approved field work.
While classified as a Research Graduate, a student should register for 12 credit hours per semester or 6 credit hours in the summer of either the Research, Thesis, or Dissertation course for which payment of the part time rate of one credit hour is required.
A Research Graduate student is not eligible for services that are paid for by fees (e.g., student health, and recreational center) unless the fee is paid. Research Graduate students may take courses other than Research, Thesis, or Dissertation only if payment for additional tuition has been made.
Continuous Enrollment
This policy allows students to maintain active status with the College and to access College resources, including the libraries, email, laboratories, the Counseling Center, and the Recreation Center, upon payment of the appropriate fees. The services of the Student Health Center are not available to part-time students and students with Continuous Enrollment Status. Additionally, this policy is designed to enhance faculty mentoring and encourage student degree completion within the time limitations specified by the graduate programs. The continuous enrollment policy does not apply to students who have been officially granted a planned leave of absence or a medical withdrawal.
All full-time and part-time degree-seeking graduate students must maintain continuous enrollment during all fall and spring semesters. With prior approval from the department/program, students in good standing can remain active in their degree program with Continuous Enrollment Status by requesting to be enrolled in GRAD 999 only and by paying the ‘Continuous Enrollment’ fee. The Fall/Spring 2013-2014 Continuous Enrollment fee is $100 per semester. Students must consult their department/program’s specific guidelines regarding eligibility for Continuous Enrollment Status. If the deadline for degree completion has passed, registration for continuous enrollment is not sufficient to maintain good standing; the student must also request an extension (see section on Time Limits for Degrees and Extensions ).
The following students are not eligible for Continuous Enrollment Status and should register as a regularly enrolled full-time degree-seeking student or as a full-time Research Graduate Student if the eligibility requirements for Research Graduate status are met: (1) students employed in a graduate student appointment (e.g., Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant, Teaching Fellow), (2) international students requiring visas, (3) students who need to be full-time for the purpose of deferring repayment of student loans, (4) students who wish to be eligible for the College’s Student Health Insurance Plan (mandatory for full-time students) and be eligible for use of the Student Health Center upon payment of the appropriate fees, and (5) students who wish to be eligible for hourly employment at the college or for financial aid requiring full-time status.
Unless granted an approved leave of absence or medical withdrawal, a graduate student who fails to register each semester has discontinued enrollment in the graduate degree program. If the student wishes to resume progress toward the degree, it will be necessary to reapply for admission to the College and to the degree program and meet any changed or additional degree requirements established in the interim. In addition, the student will owe Continuous Enrollment fees for the term(s) he/she was not enrolled.
Repeated Courses
Certain courses are specifically designated in the Graduate A&S Program Catalog as courses that may be repeated for credit. With the exception of these specifically designated courses, no course for graduate credit in which a graduate student receives a grade of (G), (I), or (P), or a grade between (A) and (D-), may be repeated except as an audit. Students are responsible for ensuring they do not register for a non-repeatable course more than once.
Any graduate student may audit a graduate or undergraduate course with permission of the instructor and graduate director. The A&S graduate Audit form can be obtained on the web site of the Office of Graduate Studies and Research, and must be completed and submitted to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research prior to the end of the add/drop period (as defined in the calendar ). Before beginning the audit, the student and the instructor must agree on what is required for the audit to be successful. The audited course with the grade of ‘O’, for a successful audit, or ‘U’, for an unsuccessful audit, is listed on the student’s official transcript.
Language Requirements
In degree programs for which there are language requirements, the individual department/program committee will determine the methods by which students will satisfy these requirements. For students who wish instruction in a language, the Departments of Classical Studies and Modern Languages recommend courses numbered 101-102 for those with fewer than two high school units in a language, 103-104 or 201-202 for those with fewer than three. Successful completion of a course at the 202 level or the equivalent is normally sufficient to pass examinations for reading knowledge. |