Braxton (Frances L. and Edwin L. Cummings Distinguished Professor of Africana Studies & English)
Associate Professors
Glenn (Africana Studies & Theatre, Speech and Dance), Pinson (Africana Studies & English), Tanglao-Aguas (Program Director, Class of 2015 Distinguished Associate Professor of Africana Studies & Theatre, Speech, and Dance), Turits (Africana Studies, Latin American Studies, & History), Vinson (Frances L. and Edwin L Cummings Distinguished Associate Professor of Africana Studies and History)
Assistant Professors
A. Green (Africana Studies & Theatre, Speech, and Dance), Lott (Africana Studies & English), Shiferaw (Africana Studies & Economics), Thelwell (Africana Studies & History)
Senior Lecturer
Osiapem (Africana Studies & Linguistics)
Emeriti Professor
McLendon (English & Africana Studies)
Adjunct Instructor
Sanford (Africana Studies)
Affiliated Faculty
Abegaz (Economics), Blakey (Anthropology), Charity-Hudley (English/Linguistics), Compan-Barnard (Modern Languages and Literatures), Chouin (History), Donnor (Education), Ely (History), Ferrao (Asian & Middle Eastern Studies), Gavaler (Theatre, Speech and Dance), Gosin (Sociology), Gundaker (Anthropology/American Studies), Medevielle (Modern Languages and Literatures), Neff (Anthropology), Norman (Anthropology), Pope (History), Roessler (Government), Rosen (American Studies & History), Smith (Anthropology), Stow (Government), B. Weiss (Anthropology). and M. Weiss (English).