Tracy (Chair)(Chancellor Professor, Alfred Ritter Term Professor and Fellow with the Center for the Liberal Arts), Armstrong (Chancellor Professor), Averett, Carlson (Class of 1962 Professor), Carone, Cooke, Delos, Griffioen, Hoatson, Krakauer, Lukaszew (Virginia Micro-Electronics Consortium Distinguished Professor of Physics), Manos (CSX Professor of Applied Science), McKeown (Governor’s Distinguished CEBAF Professor), Pennington (Governor’s Distinguished CEBAF Professor), Perdrisat, Sher, Tracy (Chancellor Professor), Vahala, and Zhang
Associate Professors
Aubin, Erlich (Class of 2017 Associate Professor), Kordosky, Nelson, Novikova, Orginos and Vahle
Assistant Professors
Deconinck, Mikhailov, Qazilbash, Rossi and Walker-Loud
Professors Emeritus
Champion (Chancellor Professor), Eckhause, Gross, Kane, Kossler, McKnight, Petzinger, Remler, Schone, von Baeyer (Chancellor Professor), Walecka (Governor’s Distinguished CEBAF Professor), and Welsh (Chancellor Professor).
TJNAF Professor
Adjunct Professors
Bosted, Melnitchouk, Osborne, Richards, and Wolf
Adjunct Associate Professor
Research Professor
Director of Teaching Labs