Hahamovitch (Chair, Class of 1938 Professor), Ely (Kenan Professor), Grasso, Homza (Class of 2006 Professor, Dean of Educational Policy), Nelson (Legum Professor), Sheriff (Pullen Professor), and Whittenburg
Associate Professors
Benes (Diamond Associate Professor of History), C. Brown, Corney, Daileader (Harrison Chair), Fisher (Director, ENSP), Han, Kitamura (Graduate Director/Associate Chair) , Koloski (Undergraduate Director/Associate Chair), Konefal (Director of Latin American Studies), Levitan, McGovern (Director, American Studies), Mapp, Meyer, Rushforth (Book Review Editor, William & Mary Quarterly), Schechter, Turits, Vinson (University Professor for Teaching Excellence), Wulf (Director, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture), and Zutshi (Plumeri Fellow)
Adjunct Associate Professors
Assistant Professors
Bishara, Chouin, Mosca, Pope, Popper (CLA Teaching Fellow), Prado, Rosen, Stump, and Thelwell
Adjunct Assistant Professors
Allen (co-Director, Lemon Project), and Butler
Visiting Associate Professors
Kern (Director, Williamsburg Collegiate Program in Early American History, Material Culture and Museum Studies)
Visiting Assistant Professors
Aubert, McNamara, Polgar (Visiting NEH Fellow of Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture), Richter and Waters
Research Associate
Carson (Vice President of Research, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation), Hardy (Director of Special Collections, Swem Library), Hobson (Editor, John Marshall Papers), Horn (Vice President of Research and Abby and George O’Neill Director of the John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library), Kashanipour (Fellow, Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture), Kelso (Director of Archaeology, Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities), Teute (Editor of Publications, Omohundro Institute), Walsh (Historian, Department of Historical Research, Research Division, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation) and Zimmerli (Assistant Editor, Omohundro Institute)