Mar 10, 2025  
2014 - 2015 Graduate Catalog 
2014 - 2015 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Mason: Academic Policies

Class Attendance

Class attendance in graduate programs is not optional: regular class attendance and participation in class discussions is required. If a student needs to miss class for any reason, he or she should contact the professor ahead of time. If a full-time MBA student has a job interview during a class, he or she must forward the email to the Mason Career Management Center prior to the interview in addition to contacting the professor. Students are responsible for completing all missed class assignments. Consequences are at the discretion of each professor.


Final Examinations

The final examination schedule for core courses is determined by each Program.

The final examination schedule for full-time MBA, Flex MBA and Master of Accounting elective courses is published by the Mason School of Business Graduate Registrar mid semester. Please note that an exam may be held on a day and/or at a time or place different from the regular class time.

In the event of an extenuating circumstance, a request to reschedule a final examination, should be arranged with the faculty member.

The Program Director will handle all other requests for rescheduling, such as for illness or other extenuating circumstances (such as a death or other family emergency, conflict with a religious holiday, or participation in activities by a student representing the College). Students should not assume that a request is approved until they receive written approval from the Program Director.

This section is not applicable for Executive MBA students.

Exams for Students Requiring Special Accommodations

Students with documented disabilities who need extra time or other special accommodations for taking exams should coordinate those needs through their primary graduate program office. Typically, a student receives a letter from the Disability Services Office to present to their program and instructors to verify the need for special arrangements. All documentation of disability is considered confidential and will not be released without the student’s prior written consent, therefore, every effort will be made to maintain the student’s anonymity. Once it is known that a student needs such accommodations, the program will determine the extent of need and make appropriate room reservations or other arrangements for the student without disclosing for whom the arrangements are being made.

Verification of Enrollment or Degrees

Requests for official transcripts, verification of enrollment, or degrees earned at the College should be addressed to the University Registrar’s office at

The College sends regular enrollment and graduation updates to the National Student Clearinghouse, which is used by many loan agencies to verify enrollment. The College cannot verify enrollment or degrees for students who have submitted a request for confidentiality.

Transcript Requests

Official transcripts are issued by the University Registrar’s Office and bear the University seal and registrar signature. In accordance with the 1988 Virginia Debt Collection Act, Section 2.1-735, transcripts will not be released for students who have outstanding fines or fees, nor are they viewable over the web. A fee is charged for each official transcript and for unofficial transcripts after the first one. Payment may be made by cash, check, or money order when ordering in person.

Transcript ordering is available to our students and alumni.  It allows users to order official transcripts via the Web at any time, 24/7. Users can order as many transcripts as they like in one online session using any major credit card. Transcript ordering can be accessed from the National Student Clearinghouse at (select College of William & Mary).

 Registration is free; users pay only for the transcripts they order. Students and alumni who submit transcript requests receive real-time order updates by email, request to receive instant mobile text alerts, and can track their orders online on the Transcript Ordering Web site.

Orders sent by mail must include payment in the form of a check or money order (U.S. funds). Official transcripts must be requested in writing with the student’s signature. Request forms are available online at and may be mailed to: The College of William & Mary, Office of the University Registrar, Attention: TRANSCRIPTS, P.O. Box 8795, Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8795. Currently enrolled students and former students since 2007 may view their unofficial transcript online via and Banner Self Service.

If you have questions regarding ordering transcripts, please contact the University Registrar’s Office at 757/221-2800 or


Intellectual Property Rights of Others

The College does not permit the recording, dissemination, or publication of academic presentations (including handwritten notes) for a commercial purpose without advance authorization of the course instructor.

The posting of lecture notes on commercial websites is prohibited.

Enrollment Statuses

Full-time MBA and MAcc students must stay at full-time status during the Fall and Spring semesters. The EMBA program is all-inclusive and students must pay the fixed price regardless of enrollment status or participation in program events. No refunds will be granted as a result of enrollment status or for not attending an event.

Full Time Status

Full-time graduate registration is defined by the College as registration for at least nine (9) semester hours of graduate credit per semester during the Fall and Spring semesters. A full-time degree-seeking student must register for at least nine but not more than 18 credits each semester. (Audits do not count toward the minimum hours required but do count toward the maximum hours allowed). Requests for overloads may be approved by the Program Director. Please see the overload section below for additional overload information.

Part Time Status

During the Fall and Spring semesters, students are considered to be part-time if registered for less than nine (9) semester hours of graduate credit per semester. Note: Flex students registered for nine (9) or more credit hours will be charged the full-time tuition and applicable fees rate.


A written request to enroll for more than 18 hours must be submitted to the Program Director during the regular registration period, and before the end of the add period. Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 or above to request an overload. Permission to carry more than 18 academic credits is granted only to exceptionally capable students. After written approval has been obtained, the Graduate Registrar will register the student for the course(s). Students already enrolled at full-time status (9 or more hours) may take an overload at no additional cost.

Enrollment in Undergraduate Courses

Graduate students may take up to a total of four credit hours, for credit or audit, of courses normally offered for undergraduate credit (i.e., language, music lessons, and dance) with approval from the Program Director. The student will not receive graduate credit for the course. Graduate business students who are not paying full-time tuition will be billed at the Graduate Business tuition rate for undergraduate courses taken. Undergraduate courses do not count towards the graduate degree.

Auditing Graduate Business Courses

Mason School of Business graduate students may audit a graduate business course if space is available and with permission from the Instructor and Program Director. Students must submit a Permission to Audit form, during the regular registration period, to the Graduate Registrar, who will register the student for the course. Audited courses carry no academic credit. Full-time graduate students may audit one course per regular semester (with the exception of the very first semester enrolled or first year for full-time MBA students) without charge, provided total number of credit hours does not exceed eighteen (18) hours. Grades for courses taken on an audit basis will appear on the student’s William & Mary transcript as a grade of “O” for a successful audit or “U” for an unsuccessful audit. Students who stop attending class and fail to withdraw following the ‘Withdraw from an Individual Course’ policy will receive the grade “U.”

Independent Study Courses

A student may enroll in an independent study course if a faculty member agrees to be the faculty advisor for the project, two additional faculty members agree to be the faculty readers, and the Associate Dean approves the independent study. An independent study course is not a replacement for a required course. The student should seek out a faculty member who has personal interest or experience in the area relating to the student’s independent study proposal. Submitting a proposal is not a guarantee for enrollment in an independent study class. A faculty member is not required to participate in an independent study. All proposals and paperwork for the course should be finalized before the end of the add/drop period. The student may seek additional guidance from the Program Director. At the conclusion of the independent study, the student’s final paper will be forwarded to the Graduate Registrar for the Associate Dean to review.

Summer Courses

Summer courses are offered to Flex MBA students at the Peninsula Center located in Newport News during two summer sessions and are also available to full-time MBA and MAcc students. Attending summer courses does not preclude the full-time MBA student requirement of attending courses full-time in the Fall and Spring semesters of the second year. Course loads could be reduced in either or both Fall and Spring to incorporate those hours taken during the summer session (with a minimum requirement of nine credit hours per semester to be considered full-time).

First year full-time MBA students are strongly encouraged to pursue a summer internship experience prior to the second year. If a student will be located in the area, and/or does not have a summer internship, permission to take summer courses may be granted on a space available basis.

Enrollment Outside the Mason School of Business

With permission from the Program Director and respective faculties, an MBA or MAcc student may register for and apply up to six (6) credit hours of graduate elective course work earned at The College of William & Mary outside of the Mason School of Business towards the MBA or MAcc degree. In order to exercise this option, the student must complete a Request to Take Non Program/Business form prior to registration. Additional documentation, such as course description and/or syllabus is required. Once approved, the Graduate Registrar will register the student for the requested course.

Course work taken at the Marshall-Wythe Law School and counted toward Mason School of Business elective requirements must be approved by the Program Director, instructor, and Law School Associate Dean prior to enrollment in the course. Grades for Marshall-Wythe Law School courses will be transferred in as a Pass (“P”) provided a grade of “C-” or above is received or as a Fail (“F”) if a grade of “D+” or lower received. Passing credits will apply towards credit hours needed for graduation, but not towards the cumulative GPA. Any other grade earned outside of the Mason School of Business will be applied towards the student’s degree and used in calculating the cumulative GPA. A grade of “D+” or lower will become a grade of “F” as Mason School of Business graduate programs do not recognize the “D” grade as passing. A grade of “F” automatically qualifies a student for academic dismissal from the program. Please refer to the Academic Dismissal policy for the complete policy.

Enrollment Inside the Mason School of Business

An MBA student or MAcc student may register for courses outside their program with permission from the faculty member and Program Directors of both programs. In order to exercise this option, the student must complete a Request to Take Non Program/Business Course form prior to registration. This form is not needed for registration in elective courses between the full-time MBA and Flex MBA programs. Permission to register is granted upon availability and if the prerequisites have been met. Once approved, the Graduate Registrar will register the student for the requested course.

Registration and Add/Drop

The Graduate Registrar of the Mason School of Business oversees all student semester course registration and will provide registration guidelines to all graduate business students. The Graduate Registrar and Program Directors will monitor each student’s progress towards earning a degree; however, each student is ultimately responsible for their own progress towards degree requirements.

Registration Process for 1st year full-time MBA Students

The first year MBA courses are concentrated and sequenced in an integrated lock-step program. All first year students will be registered by the Graduate Registrar. Students must verify course registrations for accuracy each semester. To do this, students should go to the student menu in Banner Self Service under myWM, select “Registration” and then view their “Student Detail Schedule.” Students are responsible for notifying the Graduate Registrar immediately of any errors requiring correction.

All students are assigned to a 5 to 6 member learning team, chosen to maximize diversity and breadth of experience. Students will work with the same team in the first year of the MBA Program. MBA courses meet in two sections to increase the opportunity to interact with more classmates. Sections are re-assigned after each module.

Registration Process for 2nd year full-Time MBA Students

Each second year student will register on-line using the Banner Self Service system through myWM for Fall and Spring semester classes. (Pre-registration will occur during the prior semester.) Course information is available online at

Registration Process for EMBA Students

The EMBA Program will provide the Graduate Registrar with a list of courses for each student each semester and the Graduate Registrar will register EMBA students. Students must verify course registrations for accuracy each semester. To do this, students should go to the student menu in Banner Self Service under myWM, select “Registration” and then view the “Student Detail Schedule” to see the courses. Students are responsible for notifying the Graduate Registrar immediately of any errors that require correction.

Registration Process for Flex MBA Students

The Graduate Registrar will register entering Flex students for their first semester courses. In subsequent semesters, students will register online using the Banner Self Service system through myWM. (Pre-registration will occur during the prior semester.) Course information is available online at Students should seek academic advising from Program staff; however, the Graduate Registrar is available to provide registration assistance and course information to students.

Registration Process for MAcc Students

The Graduate Registrar will register incoming MAcc students for summer Boot camp classes. During the Fall and Spring semesters, students will register online using the Banner Self Service system through myWM. Course information is available online at

Registration Verification

Students should verify course registrations entered by the Graduate Registrar for accuracy. To do this, students can go to; select the student menu in Banner Self Service under myWM, select “Registration” and then view “Student Detail Schedule” to see courses. Students are responsible for notifying the Graduate Registrar immediately of any errors that require correction.

Full-Time MBA Add/Drop

Full-time MBA students wishing to add or drop a course may do so in Banner Self Service through a 10-calendar-day add/drop period. The add/drop period begins on the first day of classes for the Fall and Spring semesters. Courses dropped through the end of the add/drop period are not displayed on the student’s transcript. Full-time MBA students registered for Flex courses, must abide by the Full-time MBA 10-calendar day add/drop period for the Flex courses. Students may drop courses that start mid-semester within 5-calendar days from the start of class by contacting the Graduate Registrar.

First year full-time MBA courses are concentrated and sequenced in an integrated lock-step program; therefore, no individual course can be added or dropped during the semester.

MAcc Add/Drop

MAcc students wishing to add or drop a course may do so in Banner Self Service through a 10-Calendar-Day add/drop period. The add/drop period begins on the first day of classes for the Fall and Spring semesters. Courses dropped through the end of the add/drop period are not displayed on the student’s transcript. MAcc students registered for Flex courses, must abide by the MAcc 10-calendar day add/drop period for the Flex courses. Students may drop courses that start mid-semester within 5-calendar days from the start of class by contacting the Graduate Registrar.

Flex Add/Drop

Flex students wishing to add or drop a course may do so in Banner Self Service through a 10-Calendar-Day add/drop period. The add/drop period begins on the first day of classes for the Fall and Spring semesters. After the 10-day add/drop period, an extended drop period for Flex students runs through the end of the third week of class. Courses dropped through the end of the extended drop period are not displayed on the student’s transcript. The withdrawal period for Flex MBA students begins after the end of the third week of class. A Flex student who withdraws from a course after the third week of class but remains registered for other academic work will not be eligible for a refund. Students may drop courses that start mid-semester within 5-calendar days from the start of class by contacting the Graduate Registrar.

EMBA Add/Drop

The EMBA Program courses are concentrated and sequenced in an integrated lock-step program; therefore, no individual course can be added or dropped during the semester.


Withdrawal from Individual Courses

A student may withdraw from a course with a grade of “W” until the earlier of the following dates: (1) the date prior to the course final exam or (2) the last day of classes. If a student does not show up to the final exam, or chooses to withdraw after these timeframes, they will receive a grade of “F.” A grade of “F” automatically qualifies a student for academic dismissal from the program. Please refer to the Academic Dismissal policy for the complete policy. The student must contact the Graduate Registrar to request the withdrawal. The Graduate Registrar will process all withdrawals from courses.

The EMBA Program courses are concentrated and sequenced in an integrated lock-step program; therefore, no individual course can be added or dropped during the semester.

Medical Withdrawal

If considering a medical withdrawal, students should contact the Program Director. Students must petition and receive approval for a medical withdrawal before it is official. Under extraordinary circumstances, retroactive medical withdrawal may be considered but no financial refunds will be granted.  All petitions must be submitted to the Dean of Students Office for review by the Medical Review Committee (MRC). Required elements of a petition are a completed letter (explaining what occurred during the semester to interfere with academic and/or personal success) and a detailed letter from a medical professional appropriate to the case. The letter should indicate diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. For full details, please visit the Dean of Students website at: Readmission following a medical withdrawal is not automatic and involves a clearance procedure which includes submission by the student of all necessary documentation addressing the behaviors or conditions which caused the original withdrawal. The student is expected to begin the clearance process not less than one full month prior to the beginning of classes for the requested return semester. Readmission may be contingent upon additional restrictions or requirements for the student’s safety and success.

Withdrawal from The College

Letters of withdrawal should be submitted in writing to the Program Director. The withdrawal timeframes and withdrawal grading policies for individual courses apply to withdrawals from the college as well. Please see the “Withdrawal from Individual Courses” section above for withdrawal timeframes and withdrawal grading policies. The Graduate Registrar will process all withdrawals.

Students who withdraw from the College in the first five full weeks of the semester are generally eligible for a partial refund of tuition and fees. All questions about refunds should be directed to the Program Director and Office of the Bursar. Please see the tuition refund policy in this manual.

The above withdrawal policies are separate from the College Refund of Tuition Policy.

Military Withdrawal

The College of William & Mary has a military withdrawal process for those students called to active duty in the Military Services during a time of national emergency in which sudden withdrawal or prolonged absence is necessitated. Options are available for tuition relief, refund of payments, and reinstatement with a copy of official active duty orders. Please see the Graduate Registrar for further details if necessary.

Leave of Absence

Students who wish to request a leave of absence for any reason should submit a written request to the Program Director. A student may request up to a one-year leave of absence from the program.


Grading System

  Grade Quality Points per Semester Credit Hour  
  A 4.00  
  A- 3.70  
  B+ 3.30  
  B 3.00  
  B- 2.70  
  C+ 2.30  
  C 2.00  
  C- 1.70  
  F (Failure) 0.00  
  W (Withdrawal) 0.00  
  I (Incomplete) 0.00  
  O (Successful Audit) 0.00  
  U (Unsuccessful Audit) 0.00  

A grade of Incomplete (I) indicates that a student has not completed essential course work due to illness or other extenuating circumstances. This includes absence from the final examination and postponement of required work with approval of the instructor. An “I” automatically becomes an “F” at the end of the following regular semester if the postponed work has not been completed satisfactorily. Any deferred or incomplete grade must be completed as agreed upon with the instructor, and within the time allowed to complete degree requirements.

Final grades for graduate business courses split across both fall and spring semesters (1.5 or 3 - 4.5 credit hour courses split across both semesters) will remain ungraded (not an “I”) at the end of the Fall semester. During the spring semester, final grades will be posted for both fall and spring semesters.

Courses taken for pass/fail credit (P/F) do not count toward degree requirements in the Flex MBA program.

Grade Change

The course instructor can initiate a grade change for legitimate reasons, including a change for a grade of “I” (Incomplete). For grade completions, a Grade Completion/Correction form should be completed by the Instructor and submitted to the Graduate Registrar, who will then submit the form to the University Registrar’s office for processing. Grade corrections should also be completed by the Instructor, but require Associate Dean of Faculty’s signature before processing. Faculty submit grade corrections to the Graduate Registrar, who will then submit the form to the University Registrar’s office. Students are prohibited from handling grade change forms.

Once a student’s degree has been conferred, the academic record is closed and grades cannot be changed or amended.

Appeal of Grade Received

A continuing student has 30-calendar days after grades are posted to begin the grade appeals process. Once a student’s degree has been conferred, the academic record is closed and cannot be changed or amended. When a student has a question regarding the grade received for a course, the process for appealing the grade is as follows:

  1. The student contacts the professor to find out how the grade was compiled.
  2. If there is still a question regarding the grade, a letter is written and submitted to the Graduate Registrar, appealing the grade and noting specific reasons.
  3. The Associate Dean will review the appeal and may work with an appeal committee to come to a decision.
  4. The Associate Dean will inform the student of the action.
  5. If there is still a question regarding the decision of the Associate Dean, the student must submit a written request for review of the decision to the Dean of the Mason School of Business. The decision of the Dean is final.

Academic Status

The Graduate Registrar is charged to review the academic progress of all graduate business students. Any student with a cumulative grade point average below 3.0 will be reviewed by the Program Director. These reviews will take place at the end of each grading period. Only students with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher may participate in Independent study courses and exchange programs.

Academic Probation

Students who have attempted less than 30 credit hours of coursework and whose cumulative grade point average falls below 2.75 will be automatically placed on academic probation. The Graduate Registrar will notify students who qualify for academic probation and will monitor the academic progress of probationary students.

Academic Dismissal

A student will be dismissed from the program if he or she:

  1. Receives a grade of “F” in any course at any time during the program;
  2. Fails to achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50 upon completion of at least 15 credit hours, or
  3. Fails to achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 upon completion of at least 30 credit hours.

Under extraordinary circumstances, a dismissed student may be reinstated upon appeal to the Graduate Academic Status Committee. The Committee is comprised of the Assistant Deans for all the Mason School of Business graduate programs, one faculty member appointed by the Chair and the Associate Dean (who serves as the Chair). The Graduate Registrar serves as an ex officio member of the committee and the Program Director may also attend as an ex officio member of the committee. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Graduate Registrar no later than 7-calendar days after receipt of the notification.

Appeal of Academic Dismissal

Under extraordinary circumstances, a student may be reinstated despite having been dismissed by appealing to the Graduate Academic Status Committee.

If a student wishes to appeal Dismissal from the Program by the Graduate Academic Status Committee:

  1. The student must submit a letter justifying why the dismissal should be reversed and include a detailed plan for improving his or her academic status.
  2. This letter should be sent to the Graduate Registrar, no later than 7-calendar days after receipt of the notification.
  3. The student will be sent notification of the time and location of the meeting of the Appeals Committee.
  4. It is strongly recommended that the student attend the meeting of the Appeals Committee, although it is not required.
  5. If a student disagrees with the decision reached by the Appeals Committee, they may appeal to the Dean for a final decision.

Transfer Credits

Flex MBA Program: It is expected that all work for the MBA degree will be completed at the Raymond A. Mason School of Business at the College of William & Mary.  Under certain circumstances, transfer credits requests will be considered.  Transfer credits must have been completed within (3) years of the start of the student’s first Flex MBA semester and must not be applied to another graduate degree.

At the time of admission, a maximum of (9) semester hours of acceptable graduate credit earned at an AACSB-accredited institution may be transferred and applied to the graduate degree.  After the student is enrolled, a maximum of (6) semester hours of acceptable graduate credit in a degree program at an AACSB-accredited institution may be transferred and applied toward the graduate degree.  The maximum number of transfer credits for any student is (9) semester hours.

Transfer credits requested after the student is enrolled will be considered only for extenuating circumstances such as relocation or business courses needed for employment that are not offered in the Flex MBA Program.  Approval from the Program Assistant Dean must be obtained in advance for transfer credit to be considered.

EMBA Program: Transfer credits from another AACSB-accredited school will be reviewed on a case by case basis and must be approved by the Program Associate Dean. If approved, the maximum number of transfer credit hours allowed is ten (10).

Full-time MBA Program: Transferring credits from outside schools is not permitted in the full-time MBA program.

MGJW MBA Program: Up to 6 transfer credit hours of ACE credit for the logistics training may be approved.

MAcc Program: Transferring credits from outside schools is not permitted in the MAcc program.

Note about transfer credits: To ensure credit will be granted, students should seek approval for transfer credits prior to enrolling in the course. To obtain approval for a course, students should contact the Program Director. Transfer credits are not included in the cumulative grade point average because only the credit transfers, not the grade. A minimum grade of “B” (a B- is not acceptable) is required for all transfer courses. All transfer credit hours must be posted on the student record before a student is eligible to graduate. If an official transcript is not received in time to process transfer credit in the semester a student intends to graduate, a revised Notice of Candidacy for Graduation form must be submitted for the following semester, at which time the student will graduate.

Degree Completion

The maximum length of time for degree completion in graduate business degree programs is:

Flex MBA Program 5 calendar years
EMBA Program 4 calendar years
Full-time MBA 3 calendar years
MAcc Program 2 calendar years

All course and degree requirements must be completed within the listed time period, which begins at the time of initial enrollment. The time periods listed above include time away for any leave of absences with the exception of military deployment. Under extenuating circumstances, please contact the Program Director.

Degree Evaluations

Degree Evaluations are available via myWM Banner self service for students and show the requirements for the degree and whether or not they appear in Banner as “met.” Students should generate a new degree evaluation when preparing for registration. Instructions for how to run an evaluation can be found at: Contact the Program Director if there are any omissions or errors, or if you have any questions.

Notice of Candidacy (NOC) for Graduation

Students must file a Notice of Candidacy for Graduation by the following dates:

  • January Graduation: June 30 (of the year prior to graduation)
  • May or August Graduation: September 30 (of the year prior to graduation)

The degree will not be conferred if the student does not file the NOC. If a student subsequently fails to complete the degree requirements, a revised Notice of Candidacy for Graduation must be filed for the semester requirements are to be completed. A one-time, non-refundable Graduation Fee (per degree) of $75.00 will be charged to all students by The College after they have filed their Notice of Candidacy for Graduation. Students can file online at myWM by going to:

  1. “Banner”
  2. “Student & Financial Aid”
  3. “Student Records”
  4. “Apply to Graduate”

Or a paper form can be turned in to the Graduate Registrar or the University Registrar’s office. The paper form can be found at:

Dual-degree students must file a separate form for each degree. Both forms should be filed for the semester in which both degrees will be complete. The degrees will be conferred at the same time when all requirements for both programs are complete.


Degrees are conferred by the College in January, May, and August. The Mason School of Business holds a diploma ceremony each year in May. Graduate students are automatically eligible to walk in the May ceremony if they complete their degree requirements in May, or the December preceding the May ceremony. Students who will complete their degree requirements in August are also eligible to walk in the May ceremony preceding their graduation, but will not receive a diploma until degree requirements have been met.

Winter graduates coming back for the May ceremony must inform their Program directly if they wish to attend Program events. All graduates must complete the online Commencement Ceremony Registration Form in order to attend the main ceremony. All dual degree students who graduate in January will be permitted to walk in the previous May ceremony.

The Executive MBA, the MGJW (Armed Forces MBA), and the Flex MBA Programs hold separate diploma ceremonies each year at the end of the semester.

Academic Achievement Awards

Academic awards are given by the Mason School of Business each year at the May graduation ceremony. These awards reflect outstanding academic achievement within a given program and are based on grade point average. All August, January and May graduates in a given academic year (Aug-May) will be considered for these awards. The cumulative GPA of each student at the time the student completed his or her degree will be the basis for the awards. Therefore, students who choose to participate in the May graduation ceremony but plan to graduate in the following August will not be considered for these awards until the following graduation ceremony after they have completed their degrees.

Beta Gamma Sigma

Beta Gamma Sigma is the only honor society for collegiate schools of business recognized by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), our international accrediting association. Its membership consists of individuals who have distinguished themselves through outstanding performance in the study of business and management. The guiding principles of Beta Gamma Sigma are honor, wisdom, and earnestness.

The William & Mary Chapter invites to membership only those with academic standing in the top twenty percent of our graduate programs. Dual degree students are considered for recognition based on their combined transcript. Program GPAs will not be evaluated separately.

Class Rank

It is the policy of the Mason School of Business that class rank is not released. Full-time MBA, Flex MBA, and MAcc students will be notified if they are in the top 20% of the class through Beta Gamma Sigma. The student with the highest GPA in each program will be recognized at graduation.

Inclement Weather Policy

In the event of inclement weather, the College of William & Mary will announce any closings or delayed openings on local radio stations, television stations, and on the College’s home-page. If the College is closed, the Peninsula Center is also closed. Students may also obtain updated closing information by dialing (757) 221-1SNO (221-1766.) For further information and a complete list of radio and television stations, please visit the College’s Inclement Weather Policy at EMBA students should check with the Program Director for specific weekend closures. See below for more information about inclement weather for Peninsula Center courses.

For courses at the Peninsula Center

Please be aware that sometimes the weather differs in severity between Newport News and Williamsburg. In such instances, class cancellations will be determined by the Associate Dean and will be communicated through email, myFlexMBA, and voicemail at (757) 221-2047 no later than 4:00p.m. on the night of class. If students have any questions regarding the Peninsula Center’s status, they may email the Flex Program staff. As in any situation, we ask that students use their best judgment and exercise caution when severe weather occurs. If a student feels that he or she is unable to drive to or from class safely, then we ask that he or she contact the professor via e-mail as well as the Flex MBA Program Staff to inform us of the decision.

Delayed Opening

Should the College of William & Mary experience a delayed opening, students should report to the first regularly scheduled class beginning after the College opens (for example, if the College opens at 10:00am, students would report to their 10:00am or 11:00am class, not to any class which began before 10:00am.)

Full-time MBA students will receive their revised class schedule from full-time MBA Program staff. Students may also obtain updated delayed opening information by dialing (757) 221-1SNO (221-1766.) For further information and a complete list of radio and television stations, please visit the College’s Inclement Weather Policy at EMBA students should check with the Program Director for specific weekend delays.