2022 - 2023 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
MSCI 560B - Bivalve Shellfish Aquaculture: Shellfish Aquaculture Health Fall (1) Carnegie.
Bivalve Shellfish Aquaculture is a sequential series of modules offered over one semester designed to introduce students to all aspects of bivalve shellfish aquaculture, including 1) shellfish biology and production methods (560A), 2) shellfish health and diseases (560B), 3) environmental interactions (560C), and 4) socio-economic considerations (560D). Taken individually or collectively, the intent is to provide students a strong background in bivalve shellfish aquaculture to qualify them as competent to work with issues related to commercial shellfish aquaculture. This is not a course intended to teach someone how to become a shellfish farmer. Lectures will be set in a global context and be inclusive of a wide variety of bivalve species, with a focus in field labs on species of importance in Virginia and Chesapeake Bay.
Shellfish Aquaculture Health (MSCI 560B) is a short course (3 weeks) designed to introduce students to bivalve shellfish aquaculture diseases and health management. Topics will include global and regional historical perspectives on shellfish diseases, disease diagnostics, fundamentals of aquaculture health management, and a consideration of emerging concerns such as environmental stressors contributing to disease and the threat of viral and bacterial pathogens. In addition to biweekly lectures, a laboratory exercise will introduce students to approaches to general pathology and Perkinsus marinus detection.