2024 - 2025 Graduate Catalog
LAW 321 - Trial Advocacy for LLM Students This three-credit course emphasizes fundamental trial advocacy skills adapted for international LLM students. The course features a “learning by doing” component that highlights the trial process from start to finish, focusing on direct and cross-examination, expert testimony, jury selection, opening statements and closing arguments. The focus of this course is on advocacy techniques that can be applied in trials, arbitrations, and other forms of fact adjudication. Specific rules of evidence and procedure particular to the U.S. legal system will be limited to the essentials.
This course extends benefits beyond a solid foundation in the art of trial advocacy. All students, including those interested in transactional or corporate careers, will gain exposure to the key elements of the practice of law in any field, including ethics and professional responsibility, analytical and critical thinking skills, communication and presentation skills, and norms for interaction with clients and other stakeholders.
Grades will be based on written assignments, in-class exercises, and overall participation. Student improvement over the semester will factor significantly in the final grade. While students may sometimes work in teams, each student will be graded individually.