2014 - 2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
HISP 151 - Freshman Seminar Fall or Spring (3) Staff
Exploration of specific topics in Hispanic literary and cultural studies to be conducted in Spanish. Normally available only to freshmen with advanced skills in Spanish, such as those with AP scores of 4 or 5. May be used for minor. Taught in Spanish.
Topic for Fall
Madrid 1808-2014: Arte/Cine/Literatura
This course explores how Spanish writers, filmmakers & visual artists from the 18th century to the present inscribe the “place” of Madrid, according to changing concepts of Spanish history, cultural identity, and modes of representation. Students will examine the representations of Madrid in art, literature, and film, beginning with Francisco de Goya’s famed portraits of the citizens and cityscapes of the capital, and ending with the study of 21st c. Madrid, including depictions of immigrant communities, and the expressive cultures of mourning that blanketed the urban center following the March 11, 2004 Al-Quada terrorist bombings. TAUGHT IN SPANISH; Counts for Hispanic Studies major/minor.