2016 - 2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Art and Art History
View the Art and Art History Faculty.
The Art and Art History Program
The Department of Art and Art History offers two programs: Studio Art and Art History.
The Studio Art program offers courses in drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, and architecture within the context of a liberal arts education. The program aims at developing greater visual awareness through a rigorously structured educational experience based on intensive studio training. All course offerings, from beginning to advanced, emphasize working from observation to provide a common language and firm visual foundation. At more advanced levels, students develop a more personal sensitivity to visual modes, leading to an informed and specific artistic voice.
The Art History program offers courses and scholarly experiences that contribute to the liberal arts education of undergraduates. Art History majors are required to take introductory and intermediate level lecture courses, advanced seminars, studio art courses, and directed reading and research that promote a critical understanding of the development and expression of visual arts and familiarize them with current disciplinary concerns.
In each program, the student is required to complete ART 211 , ART 212 and ARTH 251 and ARTH 252 . It is to the advantage of the student to complete these courses by the end of the sophomore year. A wide variety of programs can be developed from the offerings of the department to suit the individual needs of majors. Students in Art and Art History have developed careers in art, architecture, art history, museum work, teaching, and applied arts in business. For purposes of double majoring, Art and Art History combines well with history, anthropology, literature, comparative literature, music and music history, classical studies, philosophy, psychology, and the sciences to give a student a breadth of knowledge and experience in comparable methodologies that leads to mutually reinforcing insights in both majors. Students interested in elementary and secondary school teaching of art should elect the major in art. All members of the department are ready to offer advice on career plans in Art and Art History.
Programs and Course Descriptions
ProgramsCoursesArtArt History