2017 - 2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Educational Policy, Planning & Leadership (EPPL)
Masters Degree Programs
The Master’s Degree program in Educational Leadership blends elements of well-grounded theoretical perspectives with innovative practices in the preparation of educational leaders for entry-level positions in educational organizations. The program offers two concentrations: PK-12 Administration & Supervision and Higher Education Administration.
Doctoral Degree Programs
The Educational Policy, Planning and Leadership doctoral program has the following components:
- Program Area Core Course Requirements
- Research Methodology Courses
- Concentration Area
- Cognate(s) (Ph.D. students)
- Dissertation
Concentration Area
Each student will be required to declare a concentration in either General Education Administration, Gifted Education Administration, Curriculum Leadership, Curriculum and Educational Technology, or Higher Education Administration. The purpose of the concentration is to enable the student to develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of principles, concepts, theories, and practices in a particular area of Educational Policy, Planning and Leadership.
Doctoral Cognate in Special Education
Students who are interested in increasing knowledge and leadership competencies related to individuals with disabilities are encouraged to consider a 12-hour cognate in Special Education after admission to one of the EPPL Ph.D. emphasis areas. Cognate courses should be selected with the academic advisor in the development of the original program of studies since most are offered every 2 years. Each student will select one or more cognate areas to broaden his/her knowledge base and provide additional areas of specialization. Students may select 6 hours in two cognate areas or
12 hours in one area. Courses listed in more than one cognate or concentration area can be used to satisfy only one requirement. Student should discuss their potential cognate areas with their faculty advisor.
Core & Research Courses
Doctoral students admitted into the EPPL Ed.D. and Ph.D. programs will be required to take their four core courses in an established sequence during the first two years of matriculation. (See the program of study on the School of Education website for the recommended scheduling of this sequence.) Higher education students are exempt from this requirement. Students in the Ph.D. programs, except for students in the higher education program, will also take their four required research courses during this two-year time frame. Fulltime students may take their concentration and cognate electives simultaneously with these required courses. Part-time students may take their electives in the summers and after the completion of the introductory courses. An exception could be made, with the permission of the advisor, for EPPL General (K-12) students seeking administrative license, who could take the licensure sequence first, followed by the doctoral core and research sequence.