Feb 16, 2025  
2015 - 2016 Graduate Catalog 
2015 - 2016 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Marine Science, PhD

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Requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree are listed below. In addition to completing requirements, a student must adhere to a prescribed timeline and document completion of major degree program milestones. 


Milestone No. of Months for Completion
Major Professor 8
Committee/Research Topic 9
Pre-Qualifying Interview 18
Comprehensive Exam 21
Qualifying Exam/Prospectus Defense 30
Admission to Candidacy 34
Seminar Presentation/Dissertation Defense 1-3 months prior to completion of degree requirements
Completion of Degree Requirements see below


  1. Major Professor - The student selects a School of Marine Science faculty member as a major professor. read more… 
  2. Advisory Committee - The advisory committee, chosen by the student in consultation with the advisor, consists of at least five members and must be approved by the Associate Dean of Academic Studies before the comprehensive and qualifying exams are scheduled. read more… 
  3. Pre-Qualifying Interview - The student is expected to schedule a meeting early in the program to discuss academic preparation and research ideas with the committee. read more… 
  4. Comprehensive Exam - A written exam is administered by the student’s advisory committee and must be passed before the qualifying exam. read more… 
  5. Qualifying Exam and Prospectus Defense - The qualifying examination must be passed and prospectus must be accepted by the student’s committee. read more… 
  6. Residency and Enrollment Requirements - Two consecutive semesters, excluding summer sessions, must be spent as a full-time resident student in good academic standing.  A minimum of three years of graduate study beyond the baccalaureate is required by the degree completion date. read more… 
  7. Required Courses - The SMS core and departmental course requirements must be completed.  read more… 
  8. Admission to Candidacy - A student may be admitted to candidacy when he/she has completed the requirements listed above and has achieved a grade point average of B (3.0) or better. read more… 
  9. Credit Requirements - The degree requires at least 42 credit hours of advanced work. read more… 
  10. Seminar and Defense - The student must present a seminar and successfully defend a dissertation.  read more… 
  11. Completion of Degree Requirements - The requirements for the degree, including submission of the approved dissertation must be completed within faculty-approved time lines  read more… 
    • 4 years for a student entering with a M.S. from the School of Marine Science
    • 5 years for a student entering with a M.S. or equivalent degree from another institution
    • 6 years for a student who is approved to bypass the M.S. degree