Mar 02, 2025
2015 - 2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
English Language and Literature, BA
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Required Credit Hours: 36
(at least 27 of which must be in courses numbered 300 and above) Major Computing Requirement:
Major Writing Requirement:
A student who satisfies all requirements for the major in English will also satisfy the Major Writing Requirement Core Requirements:
All majors are required to take the following: One Course in American Literature, Chosen From:
One Course in a Single Author or Auteur, Chosen From:
Additional Information
English majors can count a maximum of six credit hours in creative or expository writing towards the major. Major courses are chosen in consultation with a departmental advisor on the basis of the student’s preparation, background, career expectations, and educational interests. The department encourages students to design a program of study that exposes them to a range of historical periods and critical approaches to literature. A sound major program should include, in addition to the requisite courses in English, a coherent pattern of complementary courses in other departments and allied fields chosen in consultation with the advisor. |
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