Dec 12, 2024
2023 - 2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
History, M.A.
In order to fulfil the thesis requirement, students will take two semesters of coursework and will prepare a research portfolio. Most full-time students will complete the requirements within one year. The History Department’s Graduate Regulations contain details on how to fulfill the following requirements.
Course Requirements
All M.A. students must complete 24 credit hours of coursework, not including credits for HIST 700 - Thesis .These 24 credit hours will include:
Thesis Requirement
In order to fulfill the thesis requirement, students will prepare a research portfolio consisting of two major research papers approved by a committee.
Foreign Language Requirement
Candidates must demonstrate by departmental examination a reading knowledge of a language other than English.
Residence Requirement
Full-time M.A. students must be in residence for at least two semesters.
Satisfactory Progress
Full-time M.A. students must complete all degree requirements by the end of the fourth semester following matriculation. Those admitted as part-time students must complete all degree requirements within three years of starting the program.
To be eligible to graduate, all students must achieve a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in all courses undertaken for graduate credit at William & Mary after admission to a degree program. A student who receives a grade of C+ (2.3) or lower in a course may repeat that course one time for credit, upon approval of both the instructor of the course and the graduate director for the student’s program. When such a repeat attempt is approved, the grades for both attempts will count in the cumulative GPA, but on the most recent attempt will count toward the degree. No credit toward a degree will be allowed for a course in which a student receives a grade below C (grade point = 2.0).
All requirements for the master’s degree must be completed within six years from the first term of enrollment in the master’s program, excluding periods of approved leave and military service. Requests for extension beyond the six-year limit must be filed following the procedures outlined in Time Limits for Degrees and Extensions in the Graduate Arts & Sciences Catalog.