Jul 05, 2024  
2023 - 2024 Graduate Catalog 
2023 - 2024 Graduate Catalog

Marine Science, MA

The Master of Arts in Marine Science is designed to prepare students to enter the workforce as marine science professionals. Through coursework and training, students gain advanced knowledge and skills that will enhance their ability to translate, integrate, and apply marine science in a variety of professional settings and in partnership with other professionals, decision makers, and the public. In addition to required courses, students have flexibility to elect coursework in areas such as policy and law to fulfill degree requirements. They complete a capstone project and internship in lieu of a research thesis. For the capstone project, each student works with a VIMS faculty member and an external advisor to design and conduct a research project where integrated knowledge is used to address an idea, problem, or issue of consequence at the interface of marine science and environmental or natural resource management, policy, law, business, education, or other areas. The internship provides the opportunity for experiential learning with an organization that is engaged in marine or environmental science‐oriented programs or activities. M.A. program students are advised by the M.A. Program Director.

M.A. Program Admission Requirements

Students interested in pursuing marine science as a profession should consult with their academic advisors, or the Office of Academic Studies (admissions@vims.edu) at the School of Marine Science, early in their college careers to identify an undergraduate academic program that will prepare them for graduate study in marine science. Applicants to the Professional Master of Arts (M.A.) program of the School of Marine Science should be able to demonstrate preparation for graduate-level courses in the sciences and mathematics, but do not need to have been science majors. Applicant review is holistic. We look for previous coursework, training, and experience that demonstrate preparedness for a science-focused curriculum, as well as an applicant’s interest in pursuing a career path that will benefit from professional and advanced marine science training.

For matriculation as a Regular degree-seeking graduate student, an applicant must have completed the requirements for a bachelor’s degree (either a B.A. or B.S. are considered) from an accredited college, be recommended for admission by the M.A. Program Director, and be approved for admission by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of the School of Marine Science.

In unusual circumstances, an applicant judged deficient in preparatory studies or other areas may be admitted as a Provisional student. A Provisional student may petition for Regular student status after successful completion of those requirements stipulated in their notification of admission. Petition for change in status shall be reviewed by the Academic Status and Degrees Committee (ASDC), using as criteria overall academic performance and performance standards previously specified on the student’s notification of admission. If recommended by ASDC, the petition must be approved by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Graduate credit earned by a Provisional student will be applied toward the graduate degree upon successful conversion to Regular student status.

For additional School of Marine Science admission information, important dates, and the on-line application, please visit our website.

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Required Coursework

SMS Core Curriculum

Specific objectives of the SMS core course curriculum are to:

  • Educate students in the fundamentals of marine science in a way that fosters interdisciplinary and synthetic understanding of oceanic, coastal and estuarine systems;
  • Provide students with an appreciation for the integration of marine science and its application to complex environmental problems;
  • Ensure that students have the methodological, quantitative, communication, and professional skills needed to pursue successful careers in marine science.

Students must pass all required SMS core courses with a grade of B- or better. Students are required to choose courses as follows:

Fundamentals Core Courses: Complete (3) courses from the following menu: MSCI 501A MSCI 501B MSCI 501C  (or MSCI 521 ), MSCI 501D MSCI 501E MSCI 501F  

Quantitative Core Courses: Complete at least (1) course from the following menu: MSCI 504 , MSCI 554 , or MSCI 556  

Interdisciplinary Core Courses: Complete MSCI 503  and MSCI 507  

Seminar Courses: Complete (2) credit hours. M.A. students can select one or more courses from the following menu: MSCI 515 , MSCI 515B MSCI 515C  

Internship in Marine Science: MSCI 597  

The student will complete an internship with an organization that is engaged in clearly defined marine or environmental science‐oriented programs or activities relevant to the student’s preparation, capstone project, and individual development plan. The internship supervisor will provide mid-semester and final assessments of the student to the M.A. Program Director prior to the end of the semester. 

Capstone Research in Marine Science: MSCI 598  

Students will conduct an independent research project that is designed to apply integrated marine science knowledge to an issue in management, policy, law, business, or education. Projects are co‐advised by a VIMS faculty member and an individual from the relevant professional field.

Advanced Electives

Complete at least (6) credit hours in courses numbered MSCI 550 or above.

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Other Requirements

Credit Requirements

At least (32) credit hours of advanced work, of which at least (16) credit hours have been earned in courses numbered MSCI 550 or above with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better, are required for the M.A. degree. Advanced coursework includes internship (4 credits), capstone (6 credits), and at least six (6) credit hours in courses numbered MSCI 550 or above.

Enrollment & Registration

M.A. program students will normally register as full-time students, with a minimum of (9) credit hours of approved coursework each semester, for the first academic year (Fall and Spring semesters) and must be registered in the semester of graduation. M.A. students are not required to register during the summer. Coursework that is not being used to meet Marine Science degree requirements and overload coursework are not covered by an assistantship award unless you have permission of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Continuous enrollment during Fall and Spring semesters is required unless a leave of absence has been granted. With permission from the M.A. Program Director and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, an M.A. program student may be in part-time status. During the fall and spring semesters, full-time students are eligible to access services at the Student Health Center.

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Milestones for the M.A. Program

In addition to completing degree requirements, M.A. students are expected to adhere to the following timeline for completion of milestones in the degree program.

Milestone Date of Completion
Individual Development Plan End of 1st Semester
Internship Summer 1 or Year 2
Capstone Summer 1 or Year 2
Completion of Degree Requirements 24 months*

* The degree program completion milestone is 24 months unless the student has permission to complete the program in a part-time status.

Individual Development Plan - By the end of the first semester, each student will be required to draft an individual development plan (IDP) in order to identify the professional skills the student wants to practice and gain during the program and the internship. The IDP will be reviewed with the Program Director prior to the end of the semester of matriculation (normally Fall). The plan will also facilitate planning for the internship and capstone.

Internship - The internship experience may be at VIMS, William & Mary, or with an external organization. The internship supervisor will provide mid-semester and final assessments of the student’s professional performance to the M.A. Program Director prior to the end of the semester. The internship course will be graded as pass/fail by the program director. A student must complete the internship to receive the degree. If a student does not pass the required internship, the student will have one additional opportunity to pass the internship. If the student does not pass the internship in the second attempt, the student will be dismissed from the program.

Capstone - The capstone will be completed under the guidance of a VIMS faculty member and a professional mentor, from the field most relevant to the student’s capstone project and career aspirations. The capstone course requires a final project and a seminar style presentation. It will be graded as pass/fail.  If significant changes to the submitted project are required, but revisions cannot be completed by the time grades are due for the semester, an Incomplete (I) may be assigned. The student will normally have one semester to complete revisions. A student must pass the capstone course to receive the degree. If a student does not pass the capstone, they will have one additional opportunity to pass the capstone. If the student does not pass on the second attempt, the student will be dismissed from the program.

Completion of Degree Requirements - The requirements for the degree must be completed within two (2) years of matriculation unless the student has permission to complete the program in a part-time status.

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