Feb 16, 2025  
2023 - 2024 Graduate Catalog 
2023 - 2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

International Scholar-in-Residence Program (Visiting Scholar)

International Scholar-in-Residence Program (Visiting Scholar)

For decades, William & Mary Law School has been welcoming legal professionals and academics from around the world to visit and conduct independent research at our Williamsburg campus. We invite qualified candidates to apply to this enriching program offering the opportunity to conduct legal research in a renowned academic environment.  Our program is open to judges, lawyers, professors, and Ph.D. students.

The benefits of the International Scholar-in-Residence include: 

  • The W&M ID card will grant you access to Law School facilities and the Wolf Law Library and the Swem Library
  • Library privileges at both the Law School and the University, with access to computers, wireless internet, LexisNexis and Westlaw databases, among others. 
  • Free admission to lectures that are open to the public and other Law School events.
  • Audit of one law course per semester, subject to availability and approval (Students who have not arrived on campus by the first day of classes will not be able to audit a course that semester.) (see below).   
  • Extension for an additional term, subject to approval (see below).
How to Apply

Those interested in participating should submit the following documents to the Director of the LL.M. Programs:

  • The completed application form (PDF);
  • A current resume;
  • A 1-2 page research proposal; and
  • A copy of your language proficiency test results: TOEFL, IELTS, or DUOLINGO. A remote interview may be conducted if a score or other objective measure of English language proficiency is not submitted.
Key dates

Application opens

Application closes

Program orientation (tentative)

December 1

March 1

August 3 (Fall Semester)

May 1

August 1

January 10 (Spring Semester)


Length of the program

Admission to the program is competitive and space is limited. Visiting Scholars may choose to visit for either one semester (approximately 6 months) or one academic year (approximately 12 months).


The fee for the one-semester (6-month program) is $3,850, while the fee for the one academic year (12-month program) is $6,600. Fees are due prior or upon arrival.


Visiting Scholars accepted into the program will receive an admission letter with instructions for the visa process.  Visiting Scholars come to William & Mary on a J-1 visa, which requires applicants to provide proof of medical insurance for themselves and any family members, in addition to proof of funds. More information is available on the website of the Reves Center for International Studies.

Prior to arrival in Williamsburg, Visiting Scholars will be contacted with regard to a required orientation at the Law School.  The orientation consists of a tour of the Law School and Law Library, a brief meeting with one of the law librarians and a meeting with the Director of the Residential & Online LL.M. Programs, who will be the Visiting Scholars’ faculty mentor. Visiting Scholars will also visit the International Students Office at the Reves Center for immigration processing, and the William & Mary Campus Center to obtain the W&M ID card.

Auditing courses

Visiting Scholars have the option to audit one law course per semester. The Law School provisions on auditing courses apply. For the avoidance of doubt, Visiting Scholars should note the following:

  • In order to audit a course, the Visiting Scholar fees for the semester have been paid.
  • The Visiting Scholar must be able to participate from the first day of class and should complete the entire course term.
  • The Visiting Scholar has discussed the audit course selection with the Director of LL.M. Programs, and has received permission from Dean of Academic Affairs and the faculty member teaching the course.
  • Audit requests will be confirmed only at the end of the Add/Drop period in each new semester.  Course registration of J.D. and LL.M. students takes priority over Visiting Scholars. Therefore, if all seats in a course are taken, Visiting Scholars may not audit that course. 
  • If seats remain open after J.D. and LL.M. students are registered, and following the end of the Add/Drop period, the Visiting Scholar’s audit request will be confirmed. Visiting Scholars are strongly advised not purchase books for any course until the law course registration is confirmed.
  • A limited number of courses are not open to Visiting Scholars’ participation, these include:  clinics, externships, J.D. Legal Practice courses: Leadership and Professional Development (LAW 100); Legal Writing & Research courses (LAW 130); J.D. Lawyering Skills (LAW 131); and J.D. Advanced Writing Practice (LAW 140); courses required for the J.D., which are: Professional Responsibility (LAW 115); The Legal Profession (LAW 117); and courses designated as experiential.
  • Visiting Scholar auditors may not create work for the professor (i.e., may not turn in assignments to be graded), are expected to attend class and have read the material, will not take exams, and will not receive credit hours for the course.  
  • Visiting Scholars who do not follow the formal audit request process will be provided one warning.  If the Visiting Scholar audit policy is violated, the Visiting Scholar is at risk of dismissal from the International Scholar-in-Residence Program.
Important facts

The date stated in the Visiting Scholars’ admission letter is the official start. It is not possible to extend neither the start nor the end date to accommodate any personal or other requirements. Visiting Scholars are invited to plan their arrival to coincide with their official start date.

Visiting Scholars are required to meet with the faculty mentor, namely the Director of the LL.M. Programs every two months to discuss progress on the research project.

A requirement of admission is that the Visiting Scholars reside in the Williamsburg or the immediate surrounding area. During their stay, Visiting Scholars must live within a 25-mile radius of William & Mary Law School.  Exceptions are not permitted. 

Extension of the program

Visiting Scholars may apply to extend their program, subject to immigration rules. Due to the limited number of openings for Visiting Scholars, extensions are granted rarely.

To apply for an extension, the Visiting Scholar must submit to the Director of the LL.M. Program the following documentation:

  • A cover letter including (i) background information about the Visiting Scholar, (ii) an outline of the Visiting Scholar’s current research, (iii) a motivation for the extension, and (iv) a confirmation that the Visiting Scholar will be responsible for the fees (at the rate applicable in the extended year); and
  • A research proposal indicating (i) the work that Visiting Scholar has accomplished to date, and (ii) the research proposal for the next 6 or 12 months.

The admission committee will then review the application and communicate the outcome to the Director of the LL.M. Program, who will, in turn, communicate it to the Visiting Scholar.