Jul 27, 2024  
2022 - 2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022 - 2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

English Language and Literature Faculty


Barnes, Dawson (Sara E. Nance Professor), Hart (Mildred and J. B. Hickman Professor), Joyce (Sara & Jess Cloud Professor), Losh (Duane A. & Virginia S. Dittman Professor of English & American Studies), LowryMacGowan (William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor), Martin (Chancellor Professor), MorsePinson (Frances L. and Edwin L. Cummings Professor of English & Africana Studies), Potkay (William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor), Putzi (Margaret Hamilton Professor of English and Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies), Raitt (Chancellor Professor, Vice-Dean for Arts & Humanities & Interdisciplinary Studies), Rowe (President), Sawaya,Taylor (Louise G. T. Cooley Professor), and Wheatley

Associate Professors

Knight (Chair), BegleyHagedornHogoboom (Class of 2022 Associate Professor), MinearPineda (on leave Fall 2022), Webster (on leave 2022-2023), Weiss, and Wilson 

Assistant Professors

Andrzejewski, Castleberry, Ferrão, Lorden (on leave Spring 2023), Osakwe, and Spencer (on leave Fall 2022)

Senior Lecturers

AlexanderCochrane, and Johnson



Adjunct Lecturers

Batten, Lucyshyn and Sargent

Professors Emeriti

Braxton, Burns, Conlee, S.V. Donaldson, Fehrenbach, GrayHeacox, Kennedy,  McLendonMeyersReedSavage, Schoenberger, Scholnick and Wiggins

Senior Lecturer Emeritae

Melfi and Zuber