Barnes (on leave Fall 2020), Dawson, Hart (Mildred and J. B. Hickman Professor), Joyce (Sara & Jess Cloud Professor), Losh (Gale and Steve Kohlhagen Professor), Lowry, MacGowan (William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor, on leave Spring 2021), Martin (Chancellor Professor), Morse (Sara E. Nance Professor, on leave 2020-2021), Pinson (Margaret Hamilton Professor, on leave 2020-2021), Potkay (William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor, on leave Fall 2020), Raitt (Chancellor Professor, on leave 2020-21), Rowe (President), Sawaya,Taylor (Louise G. T. Cooley Professor, on leave Fall 2020), and Wheatley (on leave Fall 2020)
Associate Professors
Knight (Chair), Begley, Hagedorn, Lunden (Class of 2022 Associate Professor), Minear, Parker (on leave Spring 2021), Putzi, Weiss, Wenska, and Wilson
Assistant Professors
Andrzejewski, Castleberry, Ferrão (on leave Fall 2020), Lorden, Osakwe, Pineda, Spencer, and Webster
Senior Lecturers
Alexander, Cochrane, and Johnson
Visiting Assistant Professor
Blossom and Challener
Adjunct Lecturers
Batten, Lucyshyn, and Sargent
Professors Emeriti
Braxton, Burns, Conlee, S. Donaldson, S.V. Donaldson, Fehrenbach, Gray, Heacox, Kennedy, Maccubbin, McLendon, Meyers, Reed, Savage, Schoenberger, Scholnick and Wiggins
Senior Lecturer Emeritae
Melfi and Zuber