Aug 31, 2024  
2017 - 2018 Graduate Catalog 
2017 - 2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Explanation of Course Descriptions

Graduate courses may be taken by persons other than regular or provisional graduate students in Arts and Sciences only with the consent of the chairperson of the department/program committee concerned.

Pairs of numbers (501,502) indicate continuous courses. A hyphen between numbers (501-502) indicates that the courses must be taken in the succession stated.

Courses involving laboratory or studio activity are so labeled. All others are classroom courses.

Semester hour credit for each course is indicated by numbers in parentheses.



Curriculum & Instruction

  • CRIN R26 - Trends and Issues in Literacy Instruction and Assessment


    This course is designed to develop students’ familiarity with current trends and issues in literacy instruction and assessment across the content areas and in the administration and implementation of district, school, and classroom reading programs. Students will examine effective practices in literacy instruction, develop their expertise in assessment, and communicate research data to stakeholders.

  • CRIN R30 - Writing Workshop

    (3 or 6). Graded Pass/Fail. Prerequisite(s): Selection as a Fellow of the Eastern Virginia Writing Project Summer Institute.

    An intensive summer workshop offered as part of the Eastern Virginia Writing Institute to give teachers a sound theoretical basis for teaching writing to allow them to experience writing as writers, and to prepare them to present colleague inservice workshops on the teaching of writing.

  • CRIN R31 - Literacy Leadership

    (3). Prerequisite(s): CRIN R07  and EDUC F65  and CRIN R13  and CRIN R08  and CRIN R17  and CRIN R15  

    This course prepares the reading specialist as a school leader and expands knowledge of literacy gained in prerequisite courses and applies it to program organization, administration and professional development.. The course focuses on designing, implementing and evaluating reading programs and professional development activities at the classroom, school and district levels.

  • CRIN R85 - Literacy Coaching and Internship

    (3). Prerequisite(s): CRIN R07  and CRIN R08  and CRIN R13  and CRIN R15  and CRIN R17  and EDUC F65   

    This course will examine research, principles and practices of effective literacy coaching. Emphasis will be given to theories of adult learning and teacher change, models of effective literacy instruction and assessment, and strategies for effective mentoring and peer collaboration. Emphasis will be given to the complexities of observing and modeling in classrooms and providing feedback to teachers.

  • CRIN S00 - Curriculum and Instructional Methods (Social Studies)

    (3). Corequisite(s): CRIN S05 , CRIN S07 , CRIN S11  

    This course provides an introduction into prominent issues in history and social studies education and focuses on best practices in instructional methodology for the field. In addition, students will be engaged in critiquing and constructing curriculum and exploring issues of diversity and citizenship in social studies education.

  • CRIN S01 - Curriculum and Instructional Methods (English)

    (3). Corequisite(s): CRIN S05 , CRIN S07 , CRIN S11  

    A course in instructional methodology and an intro­duction to secondary English teaching methods and materials.

  • CRIN S02 - Curriculum and Instructional Methods (Modern Foreign Language)

    (3). Corequisite(s): CRIN S05 , CRIN S07 CRIN S12  

    A course designed to provide the prospective secondary teacher with opportunities to experience and reflect on the practices of foreign language education in the school and community setting.

  • CRIN S03 - Curriculum and Instructional Methods (Mathematics)

    (3). Corequisite(s): CRIN S05 , CRIN S07 , CRIN S11  

    A course in instructional methodology and an intro­duction to secondary mathematics teaching methods and materials.

  • CRIN S04 - Curriculum and Instructional Methods (Science)

    (3). Corequisite(s): CRIN S05 , CRIN S07 , and CRIN S14  

    A course in instructional methodology and an intro­duction to secondary science teaching methods and materials.

  • CRIN S05 - Content Reading and Writing

    (2). Prerequisite(s): Admission to the secondary education graduate program.

    This course is designed to develop in prospective teachers an understanding of the role of reading and writing in the content area disciplines. Course topics include developmental reading and writing in the content areas, instructional strategies with content area textbooks, and techniques for improving reading and writing in the content areas.

  • CRIN S05P - Content Reading and Writing-Practicum

    (1). Graded Pass/Fail.

  • CRIN S07 - Designs for Technology-Enhanced Learning (Secondary)

    (2). Prerequisite(s): Open to teacher certification program or by permission of instructor.

    An introduction to computer-based instructional technologies, Internet resources, other emerging technologies, and instructional design. Students will acquire skills in selected software applications and integrate emerging technologies into the curriculum.

  • CRIN S08 - Classroom Adaptations for Exceptional Students (Secondary Education)

    (1). Prerequisite(s): Open only to secondary education concentrators.

    A course designed to address academic and social learning needs of exceptional student populations (e.g., students with disabilities, at-risk, gifted, culturally diverse) in secondary level classrooms and appropriate interventions to meet these needs.

  • CRIN S09 - Classroom Organization, Management and Discipline (Secondary Education)

    (1). Prerequisite(s): Admission to the secondary education teacher certification program.

    A course designed to help prospective secondary school teachers promote positive student behavior. Emphasis is placed on the selection of strategies and procedures to enhance classroom organization and management and to reduce and/or prevent misbehavior.

  • CRIN S10 - Practicum in Secondary Schools -Social Studies

    (1). Graded Pass/Fail. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the secondary education teacher certification program. Corequisite(s): CRIN S00  

    A course designed to provide the prospective secondary teacher with opportunities to experience and reflect on the practices of social studies education in the school and community setting.

  • CRIN S11 - Practicum in Secondary Schools-English

    (1). Graded Pass/Fail. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the secondary education teacher certification program. Corequisite(s): CRIN S01 , CRIN S05 , S06, CRIN S07  

    A course designed to provide prospective secondary English teachers with structured opportunities to observe, participate in, and reflect upon the school and community culture in which they will be student teaching in the following spring semester.

  • CRIN S12 - Practicum in Secondary Schools-Modern Foreign Languages

    (1). Graded Pass/Fail. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the secondary education teacher certification program.

    A secondary public school placement in which students have an opportunity to observe and participate in a classroom specific to their content area. Students will have specific assignments and experiences to help them relate their work in their subject area methods, content area reading and writing, classroom assessment and instructional technology.

  • CRIN S13 - Practicum in Secondary Schools - Mathematics

    (1). Graded Pass/Fail. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the secondary education teacher certification program.

    A field and university-based course designed to provide students with an opportunity to reflectively apply and refine their skills and knowledge about the teaching of mathematics.

  • CRIN S14 - Practicum in Secondary Schools - Science

    (1). Graded Pass/Fail. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the secondary education teacher certification program.

    A field and university- based course designed to provide students with an opportunity to reflectively apply and refine their skills and knowledge about the teaching of science.

  • CRIN S38 - Instructional Planning in Secondary English

    (2). Corequisite(s):  CRIN S08 , CRIN S09 , CRIN S43 , and CRIN L30  

    An intensive five-week campus and field-based course designed to provide students with opportunities to apply and refine skills and knowledge about teaching and learning English. Guided by College faculty and a public school mentor, students continue the work begun in the methods course, designing units of instruction for use during their internship in supervised teaching.

  • CRIN S38P - Instructional Planning in Secondary English Practicum

    (1). Graded Pass/Fail. Corequisite(s): CRIN S38  

    A field and university-based course designed to provide students the opportunity to reflectively apply and refine their skills and knowledge about teaching english. The course emphasizes incorporating appropriate technologies and adaptations for the diverse needs of learners.

  • CRIN S39 - Instructional Planning in Secondary Mathematics

    (2). Corequisite(s):  

    CRIN S08 , CRIN S09 , CRIN S44 , and CRIN L32  

    A field and university-based course designed to provide students with an opportunity to reflectively apply and refine their skills and knowledge about the teaching of mathematics design, teaching, and evaluation of their instruction practices.

  • CRIN S39P - Instructional Planning in Secondary Mathematics Practicum

    (1). Graded Pass/Fail. Corequisite(s): CRIN S39  

    A field and university-based course designed to provide students the opportunity to reflectively apply and refine their skills and knowledge about teaching mathematics. The course emphasizes incorporating appropriate technologies and adaptations for the diverse needs of learners.

  • CRIN S40 - Instructional Planning in Secondary Modern Foreign Language

    (2). Corequisite(s): CRIN S08 , CRIN S09 , CRIN S45 , and CRIN L31  

    A field and university-based course designed to provide students with an opportunity to reflectively apply and refine their skills and knowledge about the teaching of foreign language design, teaching, and evaluation of their instruction practices.

  • CRIN S40P - Instructional Planning in Secondary Modern Foreign Language Practicum

    (1). Graded Pass/Fail. Corequisite(s): CRIN S40  

    A field and university-based course designed to provide students the opportunity to reflectively apply and refine their skills and knowledge about teaching modern languages. The course emphasizes incorporating appropriate technologies and adaptations for the diverse needs of learners.

  • CRIN S41 - Instructional Planning in Secondary Science

    (2). Corequisite(s):  CRIN S08 , CRIN S09 , CRIN S46 , and CRIN L33  

    A field and university-based course designed to provide students with an opportunity to reflectively apply their skills/knowledge about the teaching of science as both a process and a product, to instructional design, teaching, reflection and evaluation and the revision thereof.

  • CRIN S41P - Instructional Planning in Secondary Science Practicum

    (1). Graded Pass/Fail. Corequisite(s): CRIN S41  

    A field and university-based course designed to provide students the opportunity to reflectively apply and refine their skills and knowledge about teaching science. The course emphasizes incorporating appropriate technologies and adaptations for the diverse needs of learners.

  • CRIN S42 - Instructional Planning in Secondary Social Studies

    (2). Corequisite(s):  CRIN S08 , CRIN S09 , CRIN S47 , and CRIN L29  

    A field and university-based course designed to provide students with an opportunity to make thoughtful decisions, with the help of college faculty and public school mentors about planning and instruction immediately prior and during the first five weeks of student teaching.

  • CRIN S42P - Instructional Planning in Secondary Social Studies Practicum

    (1). Graded Pass/Fail. Corequisite(s): CRIN S42  

    A field and university-based course designed to provide students the opportunity to reflectively apply and refine their skills and knowledge about teaching social sciences. The course emphasizes incorporating appropriate technologies and adaptations for the diverse needs of learners.

  • CRIN S43 - Secondary Curriculum & Instruction Seminar (English)

    (1). Corequisite(s):  CRIN S08 , CRIN S09 , and CRIN L30  

    A course designed to provide pre-service secondary English teachers with opportunities to refine their teaching and learning through analysis, reflection, and discussion of their own behavior as teachers and the behaviors of teachers, students, and other school personnel.

  • CRIN S44 - Secondary Curriculum & Instruction Seminar (Mathematics)

    (1). Corequisite(s):  CRIN S08 , CRIN S09 , CRIN S39  and CRIN L32  

    A field and university-based course designed to provide students with an opportunity to reflectively apply and refine their skills and knowledge about the teaching of mathematics.

  • CRIN S45 - Secondary Curriculum & Instruction Seminar (Foreign Language)

    (1). Corequisite(s):  CRIN S08 , CRIN S09 ,  , and CRIN L31  

    A course designed to provide foreign language student teachers with an opportunity to examine the teaching/learning situation through study of their own behavior as teachers, the behavior of other teachers, and of students.

  • CRIN S46 - Secondary Curriculum & Instruction Seminar (Science)

    (1). Corequisite(s):  CRIN S08 , CRIN S09 , CRIN S41 , and CRIN L33  

    A field and university-based course designed to provide students with an opportunity to reflectively refine their skills/knowledge about the teaching of science as both a process and a product, as a way of knowing and as a body of knowledge.

  • CRIN S47 - Secondary Curriculum & Instruction Seminar (Social Studies)

    (1). Corequisite(s):  CRIN S08 , CRIN S09 , CRIN S42 , and CRIN L29  

    A course designed to provide student teachers with an opportunity to reflect upon ways they can apply and refine their knowledge and skills about the teaching of social studies.

  • CRIN S50 - Characteristics of Exceptional Student Populations (Secondary)


    This course prepares secondary education teachers to develop differentiated instruction for the individual learning needs of students in secondary classrooms who have disabilities, who are at-risk for school failure, or who are gifted/talented learners, as well as students who are culturally and linguistically diverse.

  • CRIN S51 - Differentiating and Managing in Diverse Classrooms Practicum: Secondary

    (1). Graded Pass/Fail.

    This course is a clinical practicum designed to acquaint students with the school personnel, policies, and instructional/behavioral practices of inclusive classrooms at the secondary level. The practicum provides students with a view to how different theoretical perspectives manifest in actual schools and classroom settings.

  • CRIN S77 - Literature for Adolescents

    (3). Corequisite(s):  CRIN S01 , CRIN S05 , S06, CRIN S07 , and CRIN S11  

    In this course students read, discuss, and write about literature written specifically for adolescents, books that reflect adolescent coming-of-age issues, cover a range of genres, and represent the best authors in the field. Students study and apply contemporary ways of interpreting literature that range from New Criticism to Cultural Studies, including Archetypal theory, Structuralism, Post-structuralism, Reader Response, the Black Aesthetic, and Feminism. The course addresses ways in which literature for adolescents can be used successfully in middle and high school classrooms to teach students to become better readers, writers, and critical thinkers. Designed for current and prospective teachers and librarians, the course is also intended for others interested in relating to adolescents and adolescent development.

  • CRIN T02 - Technology for Special Populations


    The course is an introduction to computer-based instructional and assistive technologies, both current and emerging. The course provides the cognitive and technical skills to integrate computer-based technologies into the learning environment and to identify those supports that will allow students with mild-moderate disabilities access to the general education curriculum.

  • CRIN X16 - Supervised Teaching in Special Education - Elementary Students with Disabilities in the General Curriculum

    (3-4). Graded Pass/Fail. Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor.

    A supervised student teaching experience with elementary students with mild/moderate disabilities in the general curriculum. Student teachers are placed in an appropriate class setting for 8-10 weeks (240-300 clock hours; at least 150 hours in direct instruction) of full-time teaching with frequent observations, regularly scheduled individual conferences, and group seminars.

  • CRIN X17 - Supervised Teaching in Special Education - Secondary Students with Disabilities in the General Curriculum

    (3-4). Graded Pass/Fail. Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor.

    A supervised student teaching experience with secondary students with mild/moderate disabilities in the general curriculum. Student teachers are placed in an appropriate classroom setting for 8-10 weeks (240-300 clock hours; at least 150 hours in direct instruction) of full-time teaching with frequent observations, regularly scheduled individual conferences, and group seminars.

  • CRIN X18 - Field Experience Practicum in Special Education

    (1-3). Graded Pass/Fail.

    This course is designed to provide students a field experience opportunity to observe and work with students with disabilities, and/or students experience academic difficulties, prior to a formal student teaching experience or internship in schools. It is an optional course to accompany special education courses in the School of Education requiring a field experiences.

  • CRIN X30 - Teaching Students with Learning and Behavior Problems in General Education Classrooms. (Elementary Education)

    (2). Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Elementary Education Program.

    Designed to acquaint elementary education students with the needs of exceptional children and the continuum of special services available. Students will also develop specific strategies for teaching exceptional individuals and managing behavior in regular classroom settings.

  • CRIN X31 - Teaching Students with Learning and Behavior Problems in General Education Classrooms (Secondary Education)

    (2). Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Secondary Education Program. Corequisite(s): CRIN X32  

    Designed to acquaint secondary education students with the needs of exceptional learners and the continuum of special services available. Students will also develop specific strategies for teaching exceptional individuals and managing behavior in regular classroom settings.

  • CRIN X32 - Teaching Students with Learning and Behavior Problems in General Education Classrooms (Secondary Education Lab)

    (1). Graded Pass/Fail. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Secondary Education Program. Corequisite(s): CRIN X31  

    Designed to acquaint elementary education students with the needs of exceptional children and the continuum of special services available. Students also develop specific strategies for teaching exceptional individuals and managing behavior in regular classroom settings.

  • CRIN X33 - Teaching Mathematics to Special Populations

    (1). Corequisite(s): CRIN X52  or permission of the instructor.

    This course provides prospective special educators or math educators with an overview of the K-12 school mathematics general curriculum and examines manipulatives, models, materials, technology and instructional methods appropriate for remedial or tutorial support for children and youth with learning problems in the area of mathematics.

  • CRIN X48 - Current Trends and Legal Issues in Educating Special Populations


    This is an introductory course which examines disabilities included in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and emphasizes relevant legislation and litigation which provides a foundation for current delivery of educational services. Course content also provides the opportunity to explore issues related to the education of other groups of exceptional students who might be at-risk for school failure because of special needs; i.e. gifted, limited English proficiency, culturally diverse, and socially maladjusted.

  • CRIN X51 - Language Development and Reading Instruction for Exceptional Students

    (3). Prereq/Corequisite(s): CRIN X48  or CRIN X53  

    A course which focuses on normal language devel­opment and language communication disorders in exceptional children and youth. Topics discussed include language acquisition in the normally develop­ing child contrasted with developmentally disordered children diagnosed with mental retardation, emotional disturbance, visual and hearing impairments, aphasia, and autism. Emphasis is placed upon development, teacher assessment, and classroom techniques in teaching reading and written language.

  • CRIN X52 - Instructional Design/Methods for Students with Disabilities in the General Curriculum

    (3). Prereq/Corequisite(s): CRIN X48  or CRIN X53  

    This course develops content knowledge in fundamental teaching methods (instructional assessment, instructional design, evidence-based instructional methodology, universally designed instruction, accommodations/modifications, data-based decision-making, and individualized planning) necessary for successful instruction and support of students with disabilities in the general standards-based K-12 curriculum.

  • CRIN X53 - Characteristics and Accommodations for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities in the General Curriculum


    Characteristics of students with learning and emotional disabilities, traumatic brain injury, and other health impairments participating in the general education curriculum: Definitions, terminology, contributing factors, support needs, and techniques for identifying children and youth with these disabilities are addressed. The impact of these conditions on learning and performance as well as instructional accommodations and service delivery options are examined.

  • CRIN X54 - Characteristics and Adaptations for Students with Developmental Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder


    A comprehensive overview of the diagnoses and characteristics of developmental delay, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and intellectual disability (ID) (i.e., mental retardation). The impact characteristics have on student participation and learning in the general education curriculum, and adaptations to enhance learning while emphasizing individual goals and objectives are addressed.

  • CRIN X56 - Classroom Management and Positive Behavioral Supports for Students with Disabilities


    This course explores models, programs, and interven­tions for meeting the behavioral needs of students with disabilities in the general education curriculum. Classroom organization and management, functional behavioral assessment, behavioral interventions, social skills instruction, and the role of the teacher in designing and delivering classroom management and behavioral supports are stressed.

  • CRIN X59 - Assessment for Instructional Design

    (3). Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Special Education graduate program and permission of the instructor.

    This course will provide students with information needed to administer and interpret standardized and non-standardized assessments for a variety of purposes including eligibility, instructional design and decision-making. Consideration is given to ethical issues that guide assessment decisions of students with disabilities as well as culturally and linguistically diverse learners.

  • CRIN X83 - Individualized Education Program Transition Planning & Services


    An examination of individualized education program (IEP) transition planning and services that promote positive post-school outcomes for youth and young adults with disabilities. Topics include legislative requirements, transition IEP assessment, writing measurable transition goals, infusing transition competencies into the general curriculum, identifying appropriate programs and transition services, and collaborating with community agencies.

  • CRIN X84 - Secondary Transition Issues


    This course provides participants with an in-depth examination of issues facing secondary educators of special needs students and the role of secondary educators in preparing these students to successfully transition into productive adult lives. Topics include policy and programs supporting the transition of students with disabilities from school to adult life, transition assessment, transition program curriculum, working with and developing in-school prevention and transition programs, collaborating with adult service agencies, and the development and implementation of school employment partnerships and mentorships.

  • CRIN X85 - Collaboration with Families and Professionals


    A course designed to acquaint Resource/Collaborating Teaching (R/CT) students with fundamental communication and legal rights and basic support needs of families of students with disabilities. In addition, students will develop specific skills to facilitate effective communications and collaboration with families, school personnel, and representatives of community agencies who are involved in the development, imple­mentation, and monitoring of appropriate programs for students with disabilities.

  • CRIN X86 - Advanced Teaching Strategies for Exceptional Students with Learning Problems

    (3). Prerequisite(s): CRIN X52  or permission of the instructor.

    A course designed for students who desire an in-depth look at specialized teaching techniques used with exceptional students. Emphasis is placed on familiarizing the student with the techniques used to remediate specific learning problems, examining applied research to assess the effectiveness of methods, and integrating diagnostic data with instructional modes.

  • CRIN X87 - Collaboration for Teaching and Learning


    This course focuses on skills and structures for effective collaboration to provide students with diverse learning needs appropriate educational opportunities within the context of the general education curriculum. Communication skills needed for successful collaboration with colleagues and families as well as various approaches to team problem solving, needs assessment, and collaborative planning and instruction will be explored.

  • CRIN X89 - Internship in Resource/Collaborating Teaching

    (Var.) Graded Pass/Fail. Prereq/Corequisite(s): CRIN X87 , or permission of the instructor

    A course designed to provide resource teaching, collaboration, and consulting experience. Interns are observed frequently by their cooperating teachers, peers, and college supervisors. Individual conference and group seminars are also scheduled regularly.

  • CRIN 518 - ESL Dual Endorsement Practicum

    (1). Corequisite(s): One of the following courses–Elementary: CRIN L20; Special Education: CRIN X16, CRIN X17; Secondary: L29, L30, L31, L32, L33.

    This course is designed to provide English as a Second Language (ESL) pre-service teachers with opportunities to teach ESL lessons and to reflect on those lessons through post-observation conferences with a qualified University Supervisor.

  • CRIN 519 - Methods in Teaching TESOL, PreK-12


    This course introduces the student to instructional methods and practices for teaching TESOL in PreK-12 classroom settings with a focus on academic language development, providing comprehensible input, increasing background knowledge, developing language and content objectives, vocabulary development, increasing oral language production, selecting culturally responsive materials, integrating language and content instruction, and differentiating according to ELLs’ language proficiency levels.

  • CRIN 520 - Understanding Language: Second Language Acquisition, Theory, and Practice


    This course examines first and second language acquisition, theory, and practice. In addition, it supports pre-service teachers’ understandings of the role of language within the context of specific academic disciplines. Course topics include: Language development, strategies to promote literacies across specific academic disciplines, culturally responsive pedagogy, and assessment for ELs.

  • CRIN 521 - TESOL Curriculum Design: Teaching ELLs in the U.S.


    This course examines key processes in curriculum design for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and how to develop and align curriculum, instruction, and assessment when applied to the PreK-12 public school setting. This course also introduces best practices for teaching content instruction to ELLs, communicating with and involving families of ELLs in schools, and identifying ELLs for special education and gifted services.


  • CRIN 530 - Teaching With Local History Resources


    This course focuses on how local history (e.g., archives, museums, historic sites) can be used in teaching history, and includes an immersion in Colonial Williamsburg’s rich historical environment. Students will engage in classroom and field experiences to learn strategies for incorporating local history resources, experts, and content in their teaching.

  • CRIN 580 - Clinical Faculty: Roles and Responsibilities

    (Var.) Prerequisite(s): Permission of Instructor.

    This course prepares experienced teachers for the role and responsibilities of clinical instructors who will supervise William and Mary pre-service teachers and mentor beginning teachers in their schools.

  • CRIN 590 - Collaborating with Families and School Personnel


    A course designed to help students develop specific professional skills to facilitate effective communication and collaboration with families, school personnel, and representatives of community agencies who are involved in the development, implementation, and monitoring of appropriate programs for school-age learners.

  • CRIN 591 - Current Issues in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment


    This course will be a capstone to the C&I program in that it will focus on important issues in implementing and managing curriculum in schools so that students may have the tools to become curriculum leaders. Central to becoming such leaders is learning how to collaborate effectively with fellow teachers and designing and developing standards-based curriculum that reflects differentiated best practice. Use of teaching-learning models that promote critical thinking and metacognition in students will also be employed as tools to help William and Mary students develop reflective practitioner habits of mind.

  • CRIN 592 - Creativity and Innovation in Education


    This course focuses on the theory, research, and application of creativity in education and business. It engages students in understanding and mastering the tool skills and processes of divergent thinking in designing educational products.

  • CRIN 602 - Curriculum-Based Technology Integration K-12


    This course is designed to familiarize students with multiple models of effective curriculum-based technology integration in classrooms and schools, leading to proficiency in designing and evaluating technology-enhanced learning for K-12 students. The process of technology integration will be explored at multiple levels of education: lesson/learning activity, curriculum unit, grade level, school, and school division. Authentic curriculum-based examples of effective technology integration will be used throughout the course to illustrate ideas, models, challenges, and implementations. Minimal course entry expectations are for students to be comfortable and competent with word processing, electronic mail, Web browsing, database searching, and the basic functions of one computer operating system.

  • CRIN 603 - Research Seminar in Educational Technology

    (3). Prerequisite(s): EDUC 663  and EDUC 664  or EDUC 694A  

    This seminar provides a forum for examining and sharing research perspectives in educational technology, exploring the processes involved in defining research problems in this field, and critically analyzing educational technology research and theory issues, problems, and methods. The course aims to heighten awareness of critical issues in educational technology, to examine how various research strategies have been used to study different issues, and to develop and refine a personal area of disciplined inquiry.

  • CRIN 604 - Digital Tools for Learning


    Students will be provided with a variety of opportuni­ties to examine, apply, and critique the instructional affordances and constraints of a variety of digital learning tools, focusing upon how they can be utilized to support teaching and learning, professional development, communication and collaboration, and educational media production.

  • CRIN 605 - Educational Technology Professional Development

    (3). Prerequisite(s): CRIN 602  

    This course is designed to help students understand and implement effective models of educational technology professional development for K-12 teachers, K-12 administrators and postsecondary faculty in education. To do so, students will explore, synthesize, and apply educational research and theory concerning the diffusion of innovations, adult education, and teacher learning.

  • CRIN 606 - Emerging Technologies in Education


    Students will be provided with opportunities to explore and carefully examine past innovations, present applications, and future advances in educational technology. Study of emerging educational technologies will be done through multiple theoretical lenses, including change theories, diffusion of innovations, and learning theories. Minimal course entry expectations are for students to be comfortable and competent with word processing, electronic mail, Web browsing, database searching, and the basic functions of one computer operating system.

  • CRIN 607 - Teaching and Learning Online


    This course is designed to help students actively explore multiple and varied ways to use online tools and resources to support learning in K-12 and higher education contexts. More importantly, students will read about, experience and reflect upon different ways to structure and facilitate learning that takes advantage of attributes specific to online media. This will help them to differentiate between advisable and inadvisable educational applications of online learning. Minimal course entry expectations are for students to be comfortable and competent with word processing, electronic mail, Web browsing, database searching, and the basic functions of one computer operating system.

  • CRIN 766 - Advanced Studies in Curriculum Leadership

    (3). Prerequisite(s): EDUC 663 , EDUC 664  

    This course allows doctoral students in Curriculum Leadership to work independently with faculty members in C&I. Topics may include, but are not limited to, curriculum development, subject-specific pedagogy, curriculum-based assessment, gifted education, special education, reading/literacy, and educational technology. Permission of the instructor is required, and the student is responsible for identifying, constructing, and completing the independent study under the instructor’s tutelage.

  • EDUC 582 - New Science of Creativity


    This course demonstrates that the creative process is a skill set that can be taught, fostered, and developed, and explores contemporary scientific theories regarding the nature, measurement, and development of creativity. It focuses on examining creative climate, attitude, and thinking (Creative CAT) from the perspectives of everyday and eminently creative artists, theorists, philosophers, scientists, politicians, businessmen, and leaders. It offers suggestions for enhancing Creative CAT in every endeavor.

  • EDUC 622 - Counseling Theories and Techniques


    This course is designed to provide an overview of the theories and techniques of counseling that can be applied in diverse helping professions with school-aged and college-aged students. Emphasis will be placed on key concepts, therapeutic process and goals with respect to each theory/technique; and the application of skills.

Independent Study and Problems in Education

  • EDUC V63 - Problems in Education

    (Var.) Prerequisite(s): Permission of Instructor.

  • EDUC V91 - Independent Study in Education

    (Var.) Prerequisite(s): Permission of Instructor.

  • EDUC 691 - Independent Study in Education: Advanced

    (Var.) Prerequisite(s): Permission of Instructor.

  • EDUC 692 - Problems in Education: Advanced

    (Var.) Prerequisite(s): Permission of Instructor.


  • EDUC 800 - Dissertation

    (Var.) Dissertation chairperson. Graded Pass/Fail. Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor. Note: Students must register for a minimum of 3 semester hours.

Educational Policy, Planning & Leadership

  • EPPL 501 - Educational Leadership and Organizational Dynamics


    An introduction to general organizational theories and their application in educational settings. Attention is given to developing the leadership competencies needed for entry-level administrative positions. Influences of local, state, and federal levels of government on school administration are examined.

  • EPPL 502 - Educational Leadership: Concepts and Cases


    An application of administrative skills and organizational characteristics in educational settings. Attention is given to building and extending leadership concepts, and applying leadership competencies in school settings. This course is an extension of EPPL 501 .

  • EPPL 503 - The Administration of Higher Education

    (3). Prerequisite(s): Admission to graduate studies or consent of instructor.

    This course is a basic introduction to the adminis­tration of higher education institutions in the U.S. Course material includes an overview of management functions, governance, authority, organizational arrangements, and administrative style and behavior. Students examine in detail several administrative operations, including offices of academic affairs, student services, business/financial affairs, university advancement, institutional research, registrar, admissions, athletics, building and grounds, facility planning and construction, continuing education, and communications. In addition, students study various agencies of the state and federal governments that are primarily concerned with higher education.

  • EPPL 504 - Universal Design for Learning

    (1) Prerequisite(s): Teaching experience in K-12 or adult education or enrollment in a School of Education graduate degree program.

    Students will explore Universal Design for Learning principles and how they are implemented at different levels of education. Students will learn how to apply these principles to assess the degree to which learner diversity is supported in learning materials, enabling them to make appropriate recommendations for making learning more accessible.

  • EPPL 505 - Multimedia Designs for Learning

    (1) Prerequisite(s): Teaching experience in K-12 or adult education or enrollment in a School of Education graduate degree program.

    In this course, students will learn how multimedia design can influence learning. Specifically, students will explore relevant aspects of research on multimedia learning, Universal Design for Learning, and graphic design theory, developing skill in tailoring the design of multimedia materials to fit particular learning needs and preferences.

  • EPPL 506 - Multimedia Production for Learning

    (1) Prerequisite(s): CRIN 5XX: Multimedia Designs for Learning.

    In this course, students will draw on research-based principles to design, produce, and critique multimedia learning materials. Students will select and utilize appropriate multimedia tools including presentation, design, publishing, and production software.


  • EPPL 507 - Motivation, Engagement, and Educational Technologies


    This class provides students with opportunities to merge theory and practice to understand the relationships among motivation, engagement, and student learning with educational technologies. Students will be able to apply these principles and concepts in the identification and selection of technology-based activities for learning.

  • EPPL 508 - Collaborative and Cooperative Learning Online

    (1) Prerequisite(s): Teaching experience in K-12 or adult education or enrollment in a School of Education graduate degree program.

    In this course students explore multiple ways to design and support online collaborative (interdependent) and cooperative (coordinated) learning in K-12 and/or higher education contexts. Students will read about, experience and reflect upon different ways to structure and facilitate collaborative and cooperative online learning experiences.

  • EPPL 509 - Blended Learning & Teaching

    (1) Prerequisite(s): EPPL 516: Self-Paced Learning Online and
    EPPL 508: Collaborative and Cooperative Learning Online
    or permission of the course’s instructor.

    In this course students explore multiple and varied ways to design and support blended learning - that is, online and face-to-face learning used together - in K-12 and higher education contexts. Students will read about, experience and reflect upon different ways to structure and facilitate blended learning experiences.

  • EPPL 511 - Budget Policy and Practice in Higher Education


    This course enables students to understand the budget process employed by colleges and universities. After examining the fundamental budgeting operational models, the annual planning operations, policy decisions and ramifications, and construction of an institutional budget are discussed and practiced through computer simulations.).

  • EPPL 512 - Educational Technology Professional Development

    (1) Prerequisite(s): Teaching experience in K-12 or adult education or enrollment in a School of Education graduate degree program.

    This course helps students identify and implement the full range of models for educational technology professional development for K-12 and postsecondary faculty in education. Students also explore and apply current research, theory, and practice concerning the efficacy of different designs and techniques that address instructors’ technology integration knowledge and practice.

  • EPPL 513 - Educational Technology & Diversity

    (1). Prerequisite(s): Teaching experience in K-12 or adult education or enrollment in a School of Education graduate degree program.

    This course familiarizes students with emerging literature addressing human diversity and technology use. Students explore and apply current research, theory, and practice that examine how racial/cultural/ethnic, economic, historical, political, gendered, ability and other biases can be both perpetuated and confronted constructively in K-12 and higher education contexts using educational technologies.

  • EPPL 514 - Diffusion of Innovations


    This course helps students understand how news of innovations travels within and across social networks, and how communication patterns help to determine innovations’ success or failure. Students explore and apply key concepts from Diffusion of Innovations (Rogers) research as they relate to innovation diffusion efforts in K-12 and/or higher education.

  • EPPL 515 - Media Literacies


    In this course, students explore the evolution of notions of media literacies in education in contemporary culture. Specifically, they trace the evolution of conceptions of and guidelines for media literacy development. Students then compare and contrast these different ways of viewing digital literacies, and explore relevant educational policy implications.

  • EPPL 516 - Self-Paced Learning Online

    (1). Prerequisite(s): Teaching experience in K-12 or adult education or enrollment in a School of Education graduate degree program.

    In this course students explore multiple and varied ways to design and support self-paced learning online in K-12 and higher education contexts. Students will read about, experience and reflect upon different ways to structure and facilitate blended learning experiences.

  • EPPL 517 - College Teaching and Course Design


    Students will review college classroom teaching methods and practices. The course topics include teaching and learning theory, classroom organization, curriculum and course syllabi construction, and exploration of teaching philosophy.

  • EPPL 518 - Instructional Planning for Technology-Enhanced Learning (Higher Education)


    This course helps students to design effective approaches to integrating educational technologies into instruction to support teaching and learning in postsecondary settings. It will familiarize students with multiple instructional planning models that address content-based technology integration in higher education contexts, leading to proficiency in planning technology-enhanced learning.

  • EPPL 519 - Educational Technologies and Course Content (Higher Education)

    (1). Prerequisite(s): Teaching experience in an adult/higher education context or enrollment in a School of Education higher education-focused graduate degree program.

    This course is designed to familiarize students with multiple models of effective content-based technology integration in higher education. The process of technology integration will be explored at multiple postsecondary levels. Authentic content-based examples of effective technology integration will be used throughout the course to illustrate integration models, challenges, and implementations.


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